Review Dig Sites 6-10 Flashcards
What happened when the Flood waters started?
They came for 40 days; the waters rose above the mountains; every living thing that moved on land perished.
What happened at the end of 150 days?
The water had gone down.
What did the dove find the second time it was sent out?
A freshly plucked olive leaf
What did Noah sacrifice on the altar?
Some of all the clean animals and clean birds
What did God do for Noah and his sons after the Flood?
He blessed them; he gave them instructions; he told them to increase in number.
What would God demand from animals and people who took the life of a human being?
an accounting
Who was this sign of the covenant for?
Noah and his family, all the animals, and every living creature and all generations to come.
What did Noah do after the Flood?
He planted a vineyard
What did God say about Abram and other people?
God would bless those who blessed Abram and curse those who cursed him.
What did Abram do after the Lord appeared to him?
He built an altar to the Lord.
What were the people of Sodom like?
They were wicked and sinned greatly against the Lord.
Where did Abram move his tents?
Near the great trees of Mambre at Hebron.
Why did Abram think Eliezer would be Abram’s heir?
Abram was childless.
What did Abram ask the Lord about the land?
How can I know that I will gain possession of it?
What would happen to Abram?
He would die in peace at a good old age.