Dig Site 19 Flashcards
How did Joseph react to being with his brothers?
He could no longer control himself, and he told his attendants to leave his presence.
How did Pharaoh’s house hear about Joseph’s weeping?
Joseph wept so loudly the Egyptians heard him.
How did Joseph make himself known to his brothers?
He told everyone to leave and said, “I am Joseph.”
Why couldn’t the brothers answer Joseph?
They were terrified at this presence.
How many more years of famine were still to come?
5 more years.
Why did Joseph say God sent him to Egypt?
To save lives by a great deliverance
What were the brothers to tell their father?
This is what your son Joseph says; God has made me lord of all Egypt; Come down to me, don’t delay.
How did Joseph react to his brother Benjamin?
He threw his arms around him and wept.
What did Joseph promise to do for his family?
He would provide for his father and family.
What did Joseph say he was accorded in Egypt?
How did Joseph treat his brothers?
He kissed all his brothers and talked with them.
How did Pharaoh react to the news that Joseph’s brothers had come?
He was pleased; he directed Joseph to bring his family to Egypt; he offered the best of the land of Egypt.
Who had the idea to bring Joseph’s father and family to Egypt?
What did Joseph send back to Canaan with his brothers?
He gave the brothers carts and provisions; he gave them new clothes; he loaded donkeys with the best things of Egypt.
How did Jacob know his sons were telling the truth about Joseph?
He heard their story, and he saw the carts Joseph sent.
Why did Israel set out to Egypt?
He was convinced Joseph was alive and wanted to see him before he died.
What did God tell Israel at Beersheba?
Do not be afraid; I will make you into a great nation; I will go down with you.
What did Jacob take with him to Egypt?
All his possessions and his family.