Dig Site 5 Flashcards
What lasted for 40 days?
The flood coming on the earth
What happened when the Flood waters started?
They came for 40 days; the waters rose above the mountains; every living thing that moved on land perished.
What happened during the flood?
It rained for forty days; the waters rose above the mountains; every living thing that moved on land perished.
How long did the waters flood the earth?
150 days
How did the waters recede?
God sent a great wind over the earth.
What happened at the end of 150 days?
The water had gone down.
When did the ark come to rest on the mountains of Ararat?
On the seventeenth day of the seventh month
What did Noah send out of the ark first?
a raven
What did Noah send out of the ark after the raven?
a dove
What happened the first time Noah sent out a dove from the ark?
The dove found nowhere to perch.
What did the dove find the second time it was sent out?
A freshly plucked olive leaf
What happened when the dove was sent out a third time?
The dove did not return.
What happened when Noah was 601 years old?
He removed the covering from the ark; he saw the surface of the ground was dry; God told Noah that he and all that were inside could leave the ark.
What were the animals to do when they left the ark?
Be fruitful and increase in number
What did Noah do when he left the ark?
He built an altar and offered burnt offerings to the Lord.
What did Noah sacrifice on the altar?
Some of all the clean animals and clean birds
How did God respond to Noah’s sacrifice”
He smelled the pleasing aroma of the burnt offerings.
What did the Lord say He would never do again?
Curse the ground because of humans and destroy all living creatures.
What will never cease as long as earth endures?
Seedtime and harvest; summer and winter; day and night.
How long will the earth have seasons (summer and winter)?
As long as the earth endures.