Dig Site 6 Flashcards
What did God say Noah and his sons were to do when they left the ark?
Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.
What did God do for Noah and his sons after the Flood?
He blessed them; he gave them instructions; he told them to increase in number.
How did God make sure the human race did not die out after the Flood?
He told Noah and his sons to be fruitful and increase in number
How did people eat differently after the Flood?
People only ate green plants before the Flood and plants and meat after.
What kind of meat did God say human beings must not eat?
Meat that had its lifeblood still in it.
What would God demand from animals and people who took the life of a human being?
an accounting
Why would God demand this accounting from animals and people?
People were created in the image of God
What did God tell Noah and his family to do a second time?
Be fruitful and increase in number.
What did God establish with Noah and his sons?
a covenant
What was the covenant God established?
He would never again destroy all life and the earth by a flood.
What sign did God provide for the covenant He made?
a rainbow in the clouds
Who was this sign of the covenant for?
Noah and his family, all the animals, and every living creature and all generations to come.
What were the names of Noah’s sons?
Shem, Ham, Japheth
After the Flood, who did the people who were scattered over the whole earth come from?
Noah’s sons
How was the earth populated again?
Noah’s sons and children
What did Noah do after the Flood?
He planted a vineyard
How many years did Noah live after the Flood?
350 years
How old was Noah when he died?
950 years old
Why would God demand an accounting from animals and people?
People were created in the image of God.