Review Dig Sites 1-20 Set B Flashcards
What did the Lord do for Sarah?
He kept his promise, and she had a son.
Who did not go the entire way to the mountain of Moriah with Abraham?
The servants and the donkey
When God created the earth, what was it like at first?
formless, empty, covered in darkness
What command did God give creatures of the sea and the birds?
Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the water in the seas; let the birds increase on the earth.
Why did the Lord God put the man in the garden?
To work and care for the garden
What did the man tell the Lord God in the garden?
I heard you in the garden; I was afraid because I was naked; I hid.
Who was Abel?
Cain’s younger brother
What did Cain ask his brother to do?
Go out to the field
At the time Noah lived, what was evil all the time?
The thoughts of the human heart
Who would enter the ark?
Noah, his wife, and their son’s and their wives.
What happened when the Flood waters started?
They came for 40 days; the waters rose above the mountains; every living thing that moved on land perished.
What happened when the dove was sent out a third time?
The dove did not return.
What did God do for Noah and his sons after the Flood?
He blessed them; he gave them instructions; he told them to increase in number.
Who was this sign of the covenant for?
Noah and his family, all the animals, and every living creature and all generations to come.
Why did Abram leave his father’s household?
God told him to leave.
Who moved near Sodom?
Why did Abram not have to be afraid?
The Lord would be his shield and great reward.
What would Abram’s descendants be in the strange country?
strangers, mistreated, enslaved
Why was it important where the servant found a wife for Isaac?
Abraham wanted a wife for Isaac from his own country, not from the Canaanites.
Why did the servant wait to eat the food given to him?
He would not eat until he told them what he came to say.
How did the Lord answer Isaac’s prayer?
Rebekah became pregnant with two babies.
To whom did Abraham leave everything when he died?
What was Rebekah’s plan to deceive Isaac?
She was going to get Jacob to help her, Jacob would serve Isaac his meal instead of Esau, Isaac would bless Jacob instead of Esau.
Why did Isaac send Esau to the open country?
To hunt some wild game.
What were ascending and descending on the stairway?
Angels of God.
Was Jacob ever able to marry Rachel?
Yes. But he had to work another seven years for her.
How did Joseph’s dream affect his brothers?
They hated him even more.
What happened when Joseph was 17 years old?
He brought his father a bad report about his brothers.
What happened when Pharaoh summoned the magicians and wise men?
Neither the magicians nor the wise men could interpret the dreams.
How many dreams did Pharaoh have?
What did Joseph say to the baker and cupbearer the morning after they had their dreams?
“Why do you look so sad today?”
To whom did Joseph say interpretations belong?
Who was the governor who sold grain to all the people in the land of Egypt?
What did Jacob do after Reuben tried to convince him to let Benjamin come to Egypt?
He said Benjamin was the only son left, his brother was dead.He said if Benjamin was harmed, he would go down to the grave in sorrow.He would not allow Benjamin to go.
What happened when all the grain the brothers brought was gone?
Israel told his sons sot go back to Egypt to buy more grain.
Why did the steward bring the brothers to Joseph’s house?
They were going to eat a meal with Joseph.
How did Pharaoh’s house hear about Joseph’s weeping?
Joseph wept so loudly the Egyptians heard him.
How did Pharaoh react to the news that Joseph’s brothers had come?
He was pleased; he directed Joseph to bring his family to Egypt; he offered the best of the land of Egypt.
What did Joseph do when Jacob arrived in the region of Goshen?
He had his chariot made ready; he went to Goshen to meet his father; he threw his arms around his father and wept for a long time.
What did Joseph say he would continue to do for his family?
Provide for them and their children.