Review (2 - combined) Flashcards
“Elders are the knowledge keepers of our lands, traditions, spirituality, and culture.
They are pillars in our communities, they are our teachers and guides.
Those facing impending
death move through five broad stages:
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
In this stage, people resist the idea that they are dying. Even if told that their chances for survival are small, they refuse to admit that they are facing death.
At this stage, dying people become angry.
(Angry at people around them who are in good health, angry at medical professionals for being ineffective, angry at God).
At this stage, the dying try to think of ways to postpone death
(They may decide to dedicate their lives to religion if God saves them; they may say, “If only I can live to see my son married, I will accept death then”).
When dying people come to feel that bargaining is of no use, they move to the next stage which is depression.
(They realize that their lives really are coming to an end, leading to what Kübler-Ross calls “preparatory grief” for their own death).
In this last stage, people accept impending death.
(Usually they are unemotional and uncommunicative; it is as if they have made peace with themselves and are expecting death with no bitterness).
are feelings that generally have both physiological and cognitive elements and that influence behaviour.
Emotions act to:
Prepare us for action
Shape our future behaviour:
Help us to interact more effectively with others
Trait theory
model of personality that seeks to identify the basic traits necessary to describe personality.
Traits are
consistent personality characteristics and behaviours displayed in different situations.
are unlearned, involuntary responses that occur automatically in the presence of certain stimuli:
Rooting reflex
Causes neonates to turn their heads toward things that touch their cheeks (Ex. the mother’s nipple).
Sucking reflex
Prompts the infant to suck at things that touch their lips.
Gag reflex
Clearing of throat.
Startle reflex
A series of movements in which the infant flings out their arms, fans their fingers, and arches their back in response to a sudden noise.
Babinski reflex
The baby’s toes fan out when the outer edge of the sole of their
foot is stroked.
Someone whose gender identity does not match their sex assignment at birth; inclusive of non-binary
or cis refers to the majority group who identify psychologically with their biological sex.
are The factors that direct and energize the behaviour
of humans and other organisms.
Motivation has
biological, cognitive, and social aspects, and the complexity of the concept has led psychologists to develop a variety of approaches.
All motivation approaches
seek to explain the energy that guides people’s behaviour in particular directions.
Securely attached children
explore independently but returning to their
mother occasionally, exhibit distress when she leaves, and go to her when
she returns.
Avoidant children
do not cry when the mother leaves, seem to avoid her
when she returns, as if they were indifferent to her.
Ambivalent children
display anxiety before separation and are upset
when the mother leaves, but they may show ambivalent reactions to her
Disorganized-disoriented children
show inconsistent, often
contradictory behaviour.
Members of the Navajo Nation
observe a four-day prescribed period of mourning, after which the name of the deceased is no longer spoken, to allow their soul to journey freely.