Reversing Flashcards
Negative reverse:
Feeling that no matter what, close minded
I get the feeling that no matter what I have, your close minded. Is that a fair statement?
Negative reverse:
Wouldn’t interest in?
You wouldn’t have any interest in building visitor trust on your website? Would you George?
Negative reverse:
Is it over?
Is it over? Now that it’s over, let me ask a few questions…
Softening statements:
Makes sense
Softening statements:
Good question
Softening statements:
I understand
Softening statements:
Good question, why now?
Good question George, why did you ask me that one just now?
Softening statements:
Suppose I ?
Suppose I said… what would you say?
Softening statements:
I’m glad you asked me that
The reverse:
Of all the questions you could have asked
I’m glad you asked me that, {their question}. Of all the questions you could have asked me - tell me - why is that one important to you right now?
The negative reverse:
I don’t suppose you’d want to share
Good question {their question}. I don’t suppose you’d want share with me why that’s important to you at this moment, would you?
The start stop reverse:
we do… wait
Glad you asked me that. In actual fact we do {answer part of their question}… wait - hold on a second - tell me - why do you ask?
The strip line reverse:
Everyone seems to be asking me that
Everyone seems to be asking me that these days, {summarize their question}. What is it about (A to B) that everyone’s so excited about?
The presumptive question reverse:
We get asked that. Guessing you were asking me
We get asked that a lot: {their question}? I’m guessing that you were asking me specifically because {the natural implication}. Is that about right or am I missing something?
The most important reverse:
which is most important
That’s a super two part question {their 2 questions}. I imagine that both elements are pretty important, but let me ask you this, which is most important of the two and why?