Revelation Flashcards
People who believe in God
What is the design argument?
That because everything is so intricately made it must have been created by God.
What do Christians believe about who created the universe?
It was God.
Somebody who doesn’t believe in God
What do agnostics believe about who created the universe?
They believe that there is not enough evidence to know whether God exists or that he created the universe
What is William Paley‘s design argument?
He said that if you found a watch, and you did not know what it was, you would still know somebody had designed and made it because it was so intricate.
The universe is even more intricate so somebody must have made it, and that must be God.
What is Isaac newtons design argument?
He argues that humans and some primates have opposable thumbs which allows us to do lots of very delicate tasks.
He says this is evidence of design, which can only be achieved by God.
What is Thomas Aquinas’ design argument?
He said that only an intelligent being could keep everything in the universe in order.
The fact that the planets rotate in the solar system without colliding is evidence of God.
What is F R Tennants design argument?
He said everything is just right for humans develop so the world must have been designed by God.
He referred to the strength of gravity be absolutely right and side of the force of the big bang was slightly more life could not have developed on Earth.
Put these arguments in date order. Aquinas Tenant Newton Paley
1) Aquinas
2) Newton
3) Paley
4) Tennant
Give three arguments against the design argument.
1) Natural selection
2) The amount of suffering in the world. A good God would not have designed a lad bad things such as evil or natural disasters.
3) The order in the universe makes it look as though it is designed. in fact the order and structure and nature is imposed by humans.
Give 3 objections to the First cause argument.
if everything has a cause what caused God?
If God is eternal the Universe can be as well.
Religious creation stories, about how God brought the Universe into being, are myths. The truth they tell is spiritual, not actual.
What is a miracle?
seemingly impossible events that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws.
How would a Theist argue that miracles prove God’s existence?
1) No scientific reason that an event happened so it must be caused by something outside nature.
2) God is the only thing that exists outside nature.
These events must be the result of God’s intervention.
How would atheists argue against miracles proving that God exists?
1) Miracles are no more than happy coincidences.
2) They may be explained by scientific reason we don’t know yet.
3) Healings could be the result of mind over matter or wrongly diagnosed illnesses.
4) Some miracles are deliberately made up for fame or money.
state 3 points that David Hume made about miracles, arguing against them as proof of God.
1) Never enough evidence to prove that they are real.
Witnesses to miracles are unreliable.
2) Religions depend on miracles to prove they are true, but not all religions can be true.
Give 4 Christian views about miracles.
1) The fact that people convert to Christianity after they have experienced a miracle is proof of God’s existence.
2) Jesus worked many miracles eg. healings and bringing the dead back to life.
3) Jesus’ incarnation and resurrection are considered that most important miracles.
4) Lourdes has had miracles-69 have been verified to be true.
Explain one example of a miracle in detail.
The resurrection of Jesus-He rose from the dead in a tomb where he was dead for a few days. He was seen by his disciples. The first person to know that he had disappeared was Mary Magdalene
How is Science used to challenge belief in God?
Atheists believe that religion has been used to answer all the ‘difficult’ questions. In the future science will be able to answer them instead.
What does Pope Francis say about the Big bang and how it affects belief in God?
“the Big bang….does not contradict the divine act of creation; rather it requires it.”
Give 2 detailed arguments that Christians use against responses based on science, to prove God doesn’t exist.
Scientific accounts of the Big Bang don’t have to contradict those in the Bible and Qur’an.
Science reveals the laws by which God created the universe
God created Science along with everything else
God made us intelligent so that we could find out more as it gives us a clearer idea of all that God has made and done.
Atheists use evil and suffering to prove that God doesn’t exist. Describe their argument in detail.
- Christians believe that God is omniscient and all-powerful
- This means that he is aware of evil and suffering and he has the power to stop them.
- As he doesn’t stop them, he can’t exist.
What is a special revelation?
A revelation that appears to one person directly eg The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary.
It may profoundly affect their life and behaviour.
What is General Revelation?
A relevation that is open to all- such as scripture or nature.
What is an ultimate reality?
The one supreme power in all reality- all religions believe in this.
Why is it hard to prove that God exists?
god cannot be known as he is pure mystery and beyond human understanding.
Name 2 ways that God shows us that he exists.
Special revelation
general revelation
Give an example of Special Revelation in Christianity
the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her that she would be the mother of Jesus, the son of God.
give an example of Special revelation in Islam
The angel Jibril appeared to Muhammed and gave him the Qur’an
State 5 types of Special revelation
miracle hearing God's call dream vision prophecy
what is a vision?
they involve seeing something that isn’t real there. This shows something about the nature of God.
Give an example of a vision in Christianity
saul’s vision on the road to Damascus. Afterwards, he changed his name to Paul and committed himself to the Christian faith. His vision was a blinding light and hearing Jesus.
What do Christians believe about visions? (2 points)
That they are spiritual
They do research them carefully to find out if they are true or made up., or if they go against the Bible
What do Muslims believe about visions? (2 points)
That they are spiritual.
They study them carefully and reject them if they are against the Qur’an
What do atheists believe about visions?
That they are caused by sleep deprivation or drug misuse
Give 2 examples of general revelation
God making himself known through ordinary experiences.
Give a quote about nature as a general revelation
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
What do Fundamentalist Christians think about the Bible as general Revelation?
Tha the Bible contains Gods actual words and that they must not be changed or questioned.
What do Liberal Christians think about the Bible as General revelation?
The Bible was inspired by God and can be interpreted in different ways in the modern world.
they hope to get a better understanding of God’s message and to receive spiritual strength form the words of the Bible.
What do Muslims think about the Qur’an as a General revelation?
Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the actual words of Allah revealed directly to Muhammed.
What do atheists and Humanists think about Nature as general Revelation?
they believe that it doesn’t relate to god, but can provide a better understanding of Scientific truth.
What do Atheists and Humanists think about Scripture as General revelation?
They believe that the writings in scripture are only the author’s opinions.
Give 6 descriptions of God.
omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent, personal, impersonal, immanent, transcendent
What does Omnipotent mean?
all-powerful. capable of doing anything
What does Omniscient mean?
all-knowing and aware of everything in the past, present and future.
What does Benevolent mean?
all-loving and all-good
What does Personal mean ( in relation to God)
god has human characteristics- such as being merciful and compassionate. Humans can have a relationship with God through prayer.
What does impersonal mean( in relation to God)
The idea that God has no human characteristics, is unknowable and mysterious- more like a force or an idea.
What does Immanent mean?
That God is present in and involved with life in the universe. people can experience God in their lives as he influences events.
What does Transcendent mean?
A belief that God is beyond and outside life on earth. he is not limited by the world, time or space. he existed before the universe was made so he is separate from it and does not act in the world or interfere in people’s lives.
How can God be both Immanent and Transcendent?
God’s immanence is revealed through Jesus and also in the work of the Holy Spirit. he is transcendent as is he the creator of the universe.
How can God be both Personal and Impersonal?
God is the eternal, unlimited creator of the universe so he is impersonal. However, theists can have a personal relationship with him through prayer so he is personal too.
Why is revelation important?
provides proof of God’s existence
Starts a new religion
What 4 questions might believers ask themselves about Revelation?
- Does their revelation match the real world?
- Does it fit with other revelations already accepted by religion?
- Does it change a non-believer into a believer? or convert someone to a different religion?
- How is it that different religions have a different revelation?
Give 5 alternative reasons for revelations
drugs or alcohol wishful thinking genuine error physical or mental illness deliberate lying ( fame? money?)
Give an example of someone who was changed by a revelation
Nicky Cruz was a gang-leader in New York in the 1950s. He lead a very violent life until he met a street preacher who converted him to Christianity.
Eventually, he also became a minister in his old neighbourhood.
Is a revelation likely to be true if it contradicts a long-held religious belief?
Is a revelation likely to be true if it is impossible?
No eg claims that someone could fly would be unlikely.