Christian Practices Flashcards
What is worship?
An act of religious praise, honour or devotion to God.
What is private worship?
When believers praise or honour to God in their own home.
What is liturgical worship? Give 3 points.
A church service that follows a set structure or ritual.
Takes place in a church.
Bible passages are read out and there may be a sermon.
Music and hymns take place.
What is non-liturgical worship? Give 3 points.
Service that doesn’t follow a set text or ritual.
Takes place in a church.
Focuses on Bible readings.
The type of prayer or hymn can change from week to week.
What is informal worship? Give 3 points.
A type of non-liturgical worship that is ‘spontaneous’ and ‘charismatic’ in nature.
Takes place in private homes. Where the community meets to eat.
Take part in a church by calling out or speaking.
Give an example of Liturgical worship.
The Eucharist for Catholic churches.
Give an example of non-liturgical worship.
Services for non-conformist churches, such as a baptist.
Give an example of informal worship.
Community or house churches.
Why is informal worship important to Christians?
similar to the worship of early Christians.
Take an active part in the church by calling out without any formal training.
Personal revelation with God.
What is non-liturgical worship important to Christians?
Planned and ordered to suit a certain theme.
Non-Conformist churches place an emphasis on the words of God in the Bible.
Why is liturgical worship important to Christians?
Worldwide set order for service that is familiar to everyone.
Gives a sense of tradition.
Bible readings follow the Christian calendar and teach Christian history and faith.
State 4 reasons why Christians worship.
To praise and thank God.
To ask for forgiveness.
To seek God’s help for themselves and others.
To deepen the relationship with God and strengthen faith.
State 6 reasons prayer is important.
1) Encourages reflection in a busy life.
2) Gives strength in times of trouble.
3) Gives a sense of peace.
4) Enables Christians to talk and listen to God.
5) Helps Christians to keep a close relationship with God.
6) Accept God’s will even if it means suffering.
Who was the first person to say the Lord’s Prayer?
Give 3 reasons that the Lord’s Prayer is important to Christians.
1) Model of a good prayer.
2) Reminds Christians to forgive others in order to be forgiven.
3) Reminds Christians that God is the Father of the whole Christian community.
What are sacraments?
Holy rituals which believers receive a special gift of grace.
What is baptism?
A ritual through which a person becomes a member of the Church. It involves the use of water to symbolise the washing away of sin.
What is the main difference between infant baptism and believers baptism?
Infant baptism is done on babies and young children. However, believers baptism is done for people who are old enough to understand the significance of the ritual.
Name 6 advantages of being Baptised.
1) Imitates Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist.
2) Becomes a member of the Christian Church.
3) Becomes a child of God.
4) Receives God’s saving grace and the Holy Spirit.
5) Is cleansed of sin.
6) Enters a new life with Christ in the Christian community.
Describe what happens in an Infant Baptism.
A priest or minister pours blessed water over the baby’s head and says ‘I baptise you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’.
The family promise to bring the child up Christian.
Describe what happens in a Believer’s baptism.
A person is fully immersed in a pool of water. Then asked whether they are willing to change their lives.
Name two groups who practise Believer’s baptisms.
Name 3 groups who practise infant baptisms.
What is another name for Holy Communion?
What does the Eucharist recall?
The Last Supper of Jesus using his words and actions.
Describe what all the parts of Holy Communion represent to Catholics.
The body is the bread and the blood is the wine.
How does holy communion differ between the Church of England and Catholics?
They think that it is a reminder of the Last Supper.
Only symbolises Jesus’ sacrifice, not actually the blood and body of Christ.
Name a quote that tells us about Holy Communion.
For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.
State 3 benefits the Holy Communion has for the individual.
1) Christians receive God’s grace by joining in the sacrifice of Jesus.
2) Helps to strengthen their faith.
3) They become closer to God.
State 2 advantages that Holy Communion has for C
1) It brings the community of believers together.
2) This can provide support and encouragement for those going through a difficult time.
State 3 advantages that Holy Communion has for the wider society.
1) Acts as a call to love others in practical ways.
2) Encourages Christians to work for equality and justice for all.
3) Many Churches collect money during the service to help support those in need, such as the poor and the homeless.
What are the two main parts of the Holy Communion service?
The ministry of the Word.
The ministry of the Holy Communion.
What is Holy Communion called in the Orthodox Church?
Divine Liturgy
Describe 3 features of the Orthodox church’s Liturgy of the word
There are hymns, prayers and a Bible reading.
The priest comes through the Royal Doors to chant the Gospel.
There may be a sermon.
Describe 7 features of the Orthodox church’s Liturgy of the faithful
The priest receives wine and bread baked by Church members.
Prayers are offered for the church, local community and the world.
The priest says the words of Jesus at the Last Supper.
Most of the bread and wine are consecrated as the body and blood of Christ.
The priest distributes the holy wine and bread.
Prayers of thanksgiving are said.
Unconsecrated bread is given to the people to take home.
Describe 3 features of the Catholic and Anglican Church’s Liturgy of the Word
3 Bible readings, a psalm and a homily.
The Creed is said.
Prayers are said for the church, the local community, the world, the sick and the dead.
Describe 7 features of the Catholic church’s Liturgy of the Eucharist
People give a sign of peace to each other (Anglican Holy Communion).
Offerings of bread and wine are brought to the altar.
The priest repeats the words of Jesus at the Last Supper.
People say the Lord’s Prayer.
Sign of peace (Catholic Mass).
People receive bread and wine.
The priest blesses people.
Describe how the United Reformed Church performs the Eucharist.
Prayer of praise.
Bible readings and sermon.
Prayers of the world and the specific needs of others are said.
The minister repeats actions and the words of Jesus ar the Last Supper.
There is an ‘open table’ so anyone who wishes is able to receive Holy Communion.
Sometimes the bread is cut, other times the bread is broken and passed around.
Wine is usually non-alcoholic and in small cups.
The service ends with a prayer of thanksgiving.
Describe two contrasting ways in which Holy Communion is celebrated in Christianity.
In the United Reformed Church, the wine is non-alcoholic, whereas in a Catholic Mass it is alcoholic.
In a Catholic Mass, people say the Lord Prayer, in the Orthodox Church they don’t.
Explain 2 ways in which Holy Communion has an impact on the lives of believers.
It helps to strengthen their faith and relationship with God.
It brings the community of believers together so that they feel like they are part of a family.
Explain 2 contrasting ways in which Christians practise baptism.
Infant baptism is done on Children which means that original sin is removed and they are welcomed into the Church as soon as possible.
Believer’s baptism happens to people who are old enough to make a commitment to the Church and understand what this role entails.
Give 2 reasons why the Lord’s prayer is important to Christians
It gives Christians a model of a good prayer.
Reminds Christians that God is the Father of the whole Christian community.
Going on Pilgrimage, celebrating festivals and religious art are all forms of worship. Give 2 more ways that Christians worship.
Informal worship.
Non-liturgical worship.
Liturgical worship.
What is a pilgrimage?
A journey made by a believer to a holy site for religious reasons, the pilgrimage makes a spiritual journey towards God as well as a physical journey.
Give 2 examples of Christian pilgrimage.
Name 5 reasons to go on Pilgrimage
Meet others who share the same faith. Experience a holy place. Help other pilgrims who are disabled or ill. Seek a cure for illness. Grow closer to God. Strengthens faith in God. Be forgiven for sin. Reflect on one's life. Pray for something special. Thank God for a blessing.
Describe 3 reasons that Lourdes is significant in terms of pilgrimage
Mary is said to have appeared in a number of visions to a young girl Bernadette.
Mary told Bernadette to dig in the ground when she did a spring of water.
The water is meant to have healing properties, a number of healing miracles have happened here.
Describe 3 activities that take place on pilgrimage to Lourdes.
Bathe in the waters of the spring.
Pray for healing or forgiveness.
Recite the rosary together.
Where is Lourdes?
A town in France.
Where is Iona?
An island off the coast of Scotland.
Describe 2 reasons that Iona is significant in terms of Pilgrimage.
St Columbia established a monastic community in the 6th century AD.
The community now has an ecumenical centre where pilgrims can stay.
Describe 2 activities that take place during a pilgrimage to Iona
Pilgrims spend time praying because it is a quiet, peaceful place of natural beauty.
Pilgrims can attend services in the abbey church, take part in workshops and visit the holy sites.
Explain 2 contrasting examples of Christian Pilgrimage.
Christians go to Lourdes to meet others with the same faith and feel a sense of community as there are a lot of people in the town.
Christians go to Iona to reflect on their lives as it is a peaceful and tranquil place.
Name 2 significant Christian festivals
Christmas and Easter.
What does Christmas celebrate?
Commemorates the incarnation and the birth of Jesus.
Describe 4 ways that Christians celebrate Christmas.
Lights- Light coming into the world of darkness.
Nativity scenes- baby Jesus born into poverty.
Carol services-With Bible readings remind us about God’s promise of a saviour.
Midnight Mass-reflects the holiness of the night and the joy Christians feel at Jesus’ birth.
Give to charity.
What does Easter celebrate?
Celebrates Jesus’ rising from the dead.
What happens during Holy week?
Remembers the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion including the arrest and trial.
What happened on Good Friday and how is it remembered now?
The day when Jesus was sacrificed. There are special services and processions led by a person carrying a cross.
What do Orthodox Christians do on the Saturday on Easter weekend?
Walk with candles.
What do Catholics do on the Saturday on Easter weekend?
They have a vigil that begins in darkness before the Paschal candle is lit.
What happened historically on Easter Sunday and how is it commemorated today?
Jesus is resurrected so the churches are filled with flowers and special hymns are sung. Services are held at sunrise.
state a quote describing what happened at Easter.
‘Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life.’
give 2 ways in which Christians celebrate the festival of Easter.
They gather in the Church to sing hymns and say prayers to celebrate the rising of Jesus.
There are processions led by a person carrying a cross.
Give two contrasting definitions of The Church.
1) The holy people of God also called the body of Christ, among whom Christ is present and active.
2) A building where Christians worship.
Describe 4 things that individual churches do.
Educate people about Christianity.
Meeting places for prayer and worship.
Provide activities for younger people.
Are places where Christians can socialise and obtain spiritual guidance.
Describe 4 things that The Church does.
Supports local projects such as food banks.
Provide social services such as schooling and medical care.
Help those in need.
Campaigns for justice.
Describe what the Trussell trust does, giving specific details.
They provide emergency food for those in a crisis.
They run over 400 food banks in the UK.
Non-perishable food is donated by Churches, supermarkets, schools, businesses and individuals.
Their aim is to bring non-religious and religious people together to help end poverty and hunger.
Describe what the Oasis Project does, giving specific details.
It is a community hub run by Plymouth Methodist Mission Circuit.
They provide an internet cafe, creative courses, a job club, training opportunities, a meeting place and a food bank.
Spiritual and practical help is given to those in need.
What does agape mean?
selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love.
State a quote that shows the importance of the church helping in the local community.
‘Faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead.’
What did Jesus teach about helping in the community?
We should follow the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats. Jesus teaches us that we should give practical help to those in need.
Describe, in detail, what Street pastors do.
An initiative started in London in 2003.
Adult volunteers are trained to patrol the streets in urban areas.
The main aim was to challenge gang culture and knife crime.
It was then widened to responding to drunkenness, anti-social behaviour and fear of crime.
Work closely with police and local councils.
They listen to people’s problems, advise on where they might get help.
Describe, in detail, what Parish Nursing Ministries UK do.
Supports whole-person healthcare through the local church.
They provide churches with registered parish nurses who promote well-being.
They help to provide early diagnoses.
They help in times of crisis.
Explain 2 ways in which Street Pastors carry out their Christian duty. refer to Christian teaching in your answer.
They follow the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats where they provide people with the help that they need. For example, drug or alcohol abusers may be led to counsellors.
What is a mission?
A vocation or calling to spread the faith.
What does evangelism mean?
Showing faith in Jesus by example or by telling others.
What is the Great Commission?
To fulfil Jesus’ instructions to the disciples to spread his teachings.
What are the aims of Missionary work and evangelism?
To ‘make disciples of all nations’.
All Christians have a duty to spread the Gospel and tell others of their faith.
To persuade people to accept Jesus as their saviour.
Who did Jesus give the Great commission to?
All of his disciples. (all Christians).
How does the Great Commission relate to most Christians?
All Christians have a responsibility to spread the Gospel and tell others of their faith.
Give 2 ways in which the Church tries to fulfil it’s Mission.
The Great Commisson
Describe the Alpha course, giving specific details.
Started by an Anglican priest to help people understand the basics of the Christian faith.
Now used as an introduction for those who are interested in learning about Christianity.
It is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life.
Approximately what proportion of the world’s population is Christian?
A third of the world’s population claim to be Christian.
Name 3 places that Christianity is growing
South America
Name 3 places where Christianity is NOT growing.
Middle East
What is the church’s mission to make?
To make disciples of all nations.
Who’s job is it to encourage new believers in Christianity?
Every Christian has a role to encourage new members.
State 4 ways that Christians can spread the faith.
Advertising and using social media.
Praying for others to accept God.
Sharing what God has done for them with others.
Inviting people to Christian meetings, fellowship meals and social events.
Describe “Christ for all nations” giving specific details
An example of an organisation that promotes evangelism. They hold evangelistic meetings throughout the world.
Some of the large open-air rallies held in Africa have drawn up to 1.6 million people.
Give 2 ways in which the Church gets it’s message to people
What is the mission of the worldwide church?
To restore people’s relationship with God and with one another.
What does reconciliation mean, and how is the church involved?
Restoring harmony after relationships have broken down. Through initiatives to develop peace and understanding.
What is the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
The disclosure or confession of sins to a priest or the church community.
Who teaches about reconciliation in the Bible?
Matthew 5:23-24
Give 4 examples of organisations working for reconciliation
The Irish Churches Peace Project
The community of the Cross of Nails
World Council of Churches.
Corrymeela Community.
What does the Irish Churches peace project do towards reconciliation?
Brings together Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. Aims to develop peace and understanding between these two denominations
What does the Community of the cross of Nails do towards reconciliation?
After bombing the Coventry Cathedral in World War 2, local Christians showed forgiveness to those responsible. It became a world centre for peace and reconciliation.
Works with partners in other countries to bring about peace and harmony.
What does the Corrymeela Community do towards reconciliation?
Brings together people from different backgrounds, including people from different faiths or political leanings. They meet at a residential centre in Northern Ireland to build trust.
What does the World Council of Churches do towards Reconciliation?
Works towards reconciliation between different Christian denominations and members of other faiths.
What does persecution mean?
Hostility and ill-treatment.
Give a positive effect that persecution might have on a Christian?
It can strengthen their faith.
Allow them to share in Jesus’ sufferings
Inspire others to become Christian.
How does the Church help those who are persecuted?
Through prayer, practical help and financial support. They also raise awareness of persecution and campaigning against it.
Give 3 examples of persecution.
Being forced to pay extra tax.
Job discrimination.
Being forbidden to build churches.
Attacks on Christian homes, churches and families, including murder.
Give a quote demonstrating that persecution can have a positive effect.
‘I want to know Christ-yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings.’
Give a quote demonstrating that the Church believes it is important to act against persecution.
‘If one part suffers, every part suffers with it.’
give a quote indicating that Christians are encouraged to show love and forgiveness towards their persecutors.
‘Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.’
Give 2 ways in which Christians support those in countries where it is forbidden to follow Jesus.
Christians have smuggled Bibles into USSR (Russia) to strengthen and comfort persecuted Christians.
The Barnabas Fund sends money to support people persecuted for their faith.
Christian Solidarity Worldwide campaigns for religious freedom for all.
What does poverty mean?
Lack of a certain (variant) amount of material possessions or money.
Describe 2 religious teachings that show Christians show help those living in poverty.
The parable of the Rich man and Lazarus.
The parable of the Good Samaritan
Jesus helped outcasts such as lepers, sinners and the tax collector.
Name 3 Christian charities that help people living in poverty
Christian Aid
Give examples of Christian Aid’s work against poverty
Supports projects to encourage sustainable development.
Provides emergency relief, such as food, water, shelter and sanitation.
Campaigns to end poverty alongside other organisation such as Fairtrade, Trade Justice and Stop Climate Chaos.
Give examples of Tearfund’s work against poverty
Works with 90,000 churches worldwide to help lift people from poverty.
Supplies emergency aid after natural disasters and conflict.
Provides long-term aid to help communities become more self-reliant, such as education or new farming equipment.
Supported by donations, fundraising events and prayers from churches in the UK.
give examples of CAFOD’s work against poverty.
Work with local organisations to train, supply and support communities to work their own way out of poverty.
Gives short term aid such as food, water and shelter.
Lobbies UK government and global organisations for decisions that respect the poorest.
Encourages Catholic schools and parishes to pray, give money and campaign for justice.