Retention & Development Flashcards
Describes the 5 elements of instructional design
Assessment Design Development Implementation Evaluation
Learning Curves
Graphical representation of learning over time influenced by motivation, prior knowledge, experience, specific knowledge to be learned, aptitude and attitude for learning
Increase Return Curve
Starts slow, continues upward (usually a new skill/complex tasks)
Decreasing Return Curve
Once learning is achieved, learning stops (routine tasks)
S-Shaped Curve
Blends increase & decrease (new practice - trial & error)
Plateau Curve
plateau isn’t permanent, but is frustrating - requires more/better training to full absorb new knowledge
Donald Kirkpatrick’s 4 Levels of Job Training Evaluation
- Reaction - are participants happy? (survey)
- Learning - Did they learn? (pre-post training measurement)
- Behavior - Did behaviors change (observation, interviews sometimes hard to tell WHY behavior changes - use multiple techniques to find out)
- Results - How did this affect the organization? (ROI)
Succession Planning
ID High Risk Positions
Determine functions of those positions and when position may vacate
ID Competencies
Perform Gap Analysis
Design Development for each competency
Develop and maintain candidate pool (internally or externally)
Track progress/maintain skills inventory
Career Path
Refers to self-driven promotion path (as opposed to formal company development like a manager training program)
Dual Ladder Career
2 paths that exist for the same career - for technical jobs this can be extending and getting more senior in engineering, or moving over to a managerial path
Performance Reviews
Used for feedback & coaching; allocation of rewards/promotions; career planning & development
Types of Performance Reviews
Category Rating (forced choice, graphic scale, checklist) Comparative Method (Ranking, Paired Comparison) Narrative (essay format, critical incidents, field review)
Grievance Process
Written complaint
Supervisor/Employee conversation
HR/Management Investigation
Upper Management Participation
Progressive Discipline
Oral Warning
Written Discipline
Suspension w/o pay
WARN - Workers Adjustment and Retraining Notification
For employers 100+
Mass lay off (50+) of full time workers or plant closing must receive 60 days notification
Adult Education
Management By Objectives (MBO)
Employee and supervisor mutually agree upon goals that are used as benchmarks for evaluation. For success, MBO's must include: A strategic plan High level of commitment from employee Clearly defined objectives Measurable performance objectives
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)
Using critical incidents, the evaluator ranks behavior on a scale anchored by statements about an employee’s behavior
Critical Incident
Method of performance measurement based on managers’ records of specific examples of the employee acting in ways that are either effective or ineffective
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timed
Gig Workers
Independent workers employed by an organization for short term engagments