Respiratory System Flashcards
What is the medical term for a nasal calculus? This condition is a concretion that is formed by salts deposited on an intranasal foreign body such as an ectopic tooth or fruit seeds or beads. Hint: Think of the word parts for nose and stone.
What is a turbinectomy?
Excision of a turbinate bone (concha)
What is an antrotomy?
Incision of an antrum such as the paranasal sinuses. Antrum can be defined as: a natural chamber or cavity in a bone or other anatomical structure.
Name this condition: A condition caused by increased pressure in the pulmonary artery. Normally, the pressure in the pulmonary arteries is significantly lower than the pressure in the systemic circulation. However, if the pulmonary artery becomes obstructed or narrowed, the pressure in the pulmonary circulation becomes abnormally elevated due to trying to maintain the same flow rate. Resulting in breathlessness, fatigue and dizziness with signs of right heart failure.
Pulmonary hypertension
Explain this procedure: Thoracostomy
Also knows as ‘tube thoracostomy’. An incision is made into the chest wall, between two ribs, with maintenance of the opening to drain air, blood, bile, pus, or other fluids from the pleural cavity. A hollow plastic tube is placed into the pleural cavity and is often connected to a suction machine to help drainage. The tube is left in for as long as required, usually a few days, until all or most of the air, blood or pus has drained out.
A benign lesion that may cause obstruction of the nasal airway:
Nasal polyp
A procedure that involves washing out a sinus for removal of purulent material:
Lavage of sinus
Instrumental stretching of the larynx (not a medical word, just a procedure in laymans terms (4 words)
Dilatation of the larynx
Communication of trachea with the pleura that may be caused by post operative injury or from a tracheostomy tube:
Tracheopleural fistula
Incision into the mediastinum in the neck region to obtain a lymph node biopsy:
Cervical mediastinotomy
Dye is injected into a blood vessel and x-rays are taken of the arteries or veins in the lungs:
Pulmonary angiography
Creation of an opening into the trachea through the neck and insertion of a tube to facilitate passage of air or removal of secretions:
Swelling and collection of fluid in the lungs (alveoli and bronchioles):
Pulmonary oedema
Floating clot or other material blocking the blood vessels of the lung:
Pulmonary embolism
Name the open spaces in the nose? (2 words and it’s not nostrils)
Nasal passages
Name the muscle that controls the breathing process?
Name the small tube that leads from a bronchus?
Name the membranous covering for the lungs?
Name the tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles?
Name the windpipe?
Name the air-filled cavities in the facial and cranial bones?
Paranasal sinuses
Name the voice box?
The bronchial tubes enter these at the hilum?
The trachea divides into two of these?