Digestive System Flashcards
The medical word for excessive secretion of saliva?
ptyal/o = saliva
ism = condition / process / state of
A congenital anomaly characterised by a fissure of the roof of the mouth due to non-union of bones?
Cleft palate
The clipping of the folds beneath the tongue to relieve tongue tie?
Clipping of the frenulum linguae
The reflux of acid into the oesophagus due to incompetence of the gastro-oesophageal sphincter?
Gastro-oesophageal reflux
A procedure to relieve gastro-oesophageal reflux disease?
Nissen fundoplication
A hernia of the stomach?
The creation of an opening between the stomach and jejunum? (Medical word)
gastr/o = stomach
jejun/o = jejunum
stomy = formation of a mouth or artificial opening
Chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract, particularly the terminal ileum?
Crohn’s disease
I note this is also an Eponym so the C must be a capital
Excessive deposits of iron in the body? (Medical word)
haem/o = blood
chromat/o = colour
osis = condition (usually abnormal)
Gall stones in the biliary ducts? (Medical word)
choledoch/o = common bile duct
lith/o = stone / calculus
iasis = abnormal condition
Define this condition: Ascites
Abnormal collection of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Not usually evident until more than 1.5 litres has accumulated
Define this procedure: Choledochoduodenostomy
Surgical joining of the common bile duct to the duodenum
choledoch/o = common bile duct
duoden/o = duodenum
stomy = formation of a mouth or artificial opening
Define this procedure: Herniorrhaphy
Repair of a hernia by suturing layers of the abdominal wall together to close the defect
herni/o = hernia
rrhaphy = suture
Define this procedure: Pancreatectomy
Partial or complete removal of the pancreas usually performed for tumours of the pancreas or due to severe trauma
pancreat/o = pancreas
ectomy = excision of / surgical removal of
Name the first part of the large intestine?