Respiratory physiology Flashcards
9938 – Sudden elevation of the arterial pCO2 level is associated with
1: raised intracranial pressure
2: respiratory acidosis
3: skin vasodilatation
4: an increased plasma bicarbonate level
Ganong, 19th ed, Ch 32, 37 and 39.
14616 – Alveolar ventilation
1: is the volume of fresh gas entering alveoli per minute
2: is about 350 ml per breath
3: determines the alveolar PCO2 by means of an inverse relationship
4: is measured with a spirometer
Refer to West, Chapter 2, p14
12494 – The following acid-base data pH 7.21 PaCO2 20 mmHg HCO3 8 mmol/1 BE -19mmol/1 would be most consistent with
A. lobar atelectasis of the lung
B. starvation
C. septicaemic shock
D. anxiety
E. duodenal ulcer with pyloric obstruction
The data pattern suggests a partially compensated metabolic acidosis because the hypocapnia is accompanied by a low pH and low bicarbonate together with a large negative base excess. This is not due to atelectasis of the lung, because the low PaCO2 would not be accompanied by the extreme hypoxaemia needed to produce such a severe metabolic acidosis (A false), nor is it due to anxiety as the pH would be raised in the presence of the hypocapnia (D false). It is not pyloric obstruction (with vomiting) where one would expect acid loss resulting in metabolic alkalosis (E false). Both starvation and septic shock would result in metabolic acidosis, but the former would be mild and compensated with a higher pH and plasma bicarbonate (B false). Therefore this severe acid-base disturbance would be most consistent with the anaerobic metabolism of septic shock (C true).
23199 – Respiratory acidosis is associated with
1: elevated arterial PCO2
2: decreased plasma bicarbonate level
3: inadequate ventilation
4: increased arterio-venous oxygen difference
10119 – The total amount of carbon dioxide in arterial blood exists as follows
1: 60% as bicarbonate in plasma
2: 5% as dissolved carbon dioxide
3: 30% as carbamino haemoglobin
4: 5% as carbonic acid
West, 6th ed, Ch 6, Ganong, 19th ed, Ch 35
9862 – S: During exercise there is an increase in alveolar pCO2 because R: during exercise venous blood pCO2 increases
S is false and R is true
Ganong, 19th ed, Ch 37
24354 – With regard to acid-base status, if the arterial blood pH, pCO2 and bicarbonate are all above their respective reference ranges
1: a primary respiratory alkalosis exists
2: the pattern is consistent with pyloric obstruction
3: a primary respiratory acidosis exists
4: the pattern is consistent with primary hyperaldosteronism
Guyton 9th ed. p400 Ganong, 19th Ed, Ch 39 p697-704
ph high - alkalosis
pco2 high - resp compensation
bicab high - metabolic alkalosis
4: retention of Na + loss of H
10134 – Peripheral chemoreceptors regulating respiration
1: are located in the carotid bodies
2: represent the only chemoreceptors in man able to produce a hypoxic ventilatory response
3: are not stimulated by anaemia
4: do not produce a significant ventilatory response until the PaO2 is reduced to 50 - 60 mmHg
Ganong, 19th ed, Ch 36
12602 – S: The measured respiratory quotient (RQ) may rise during severe exercise because R: hyperventilation will result from lactic acidosis
S is true, R is true and a valid explanation of S
The respiratory quotient (RQ) is the ratio of CO2 production to O2 consumption and can be
measured for a tissue, an organ or the body. This question relates to the body RQ. During severe exercise, because of hyperventilation from lactic acidosis and a relative O2 debt, RQ may rise to 2.0. Therefore S and R are true and R is a valid explanation of S.
9898 – S: The uptake of CO2 by blood in the tissue capillaries assists the release of oxygen from haemoglobin because R: with the Bohr effect a rise in blood pCO2 shifts the haemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve to the left
S is true and R is false
Ganong, 19th ed, Ch 34
Shifting of the curve to the right
10043 – With respect to carbon dioxide uptake by blood in tissue capillaries
1: H+ generated is buffered by deoxyhaemoglobin
2: about 60% of CO2 is carried in carbamino combination with haemoglobin
3: there is a chloride and water shift into red blood cells
4: plasma carbonic anhydrase is required
Ganong, 19th ed, Ch 35
10033 – Factors determining the alveolar pO2 include the
1: inspired oxygen concentration
2: alveolar ventilation
3: oxygen consumption of the body
4: haemoglobin level in the blood
Ganong, 19th ed, Ch 34
14601 – Which of the following contribute(s) significantly to the oxygen tension difference between alveolar gas and systemic arterial blood (A-a PO2 diff.) in healthy subjects?
1: rate of diffusion of oxygen across the alveolar-capillary membrane
2: anatomical R to L shunts
3: reaction rate of oxygen combining with haemoglobin
4: low ventilation/perfusion ratio regions of lung
Refer to West, 2nd Ed, Ch 5, page 61-68
10114 – Arterial hypoxia causes
1: an increased respiratory rate
2: dilatation of coronary arterioles
3: respiratory alkalosis
4: dilatation of renal arterioles
Ganong, 19th ed, Ch 36
10023 – Accumulation of water in pulmonary alveoli is chiefly prevented by
1: elimination of excess water in the expired air
2: surfactant, which maintains a low surface tension in alveoli
3: capillary permeability to water being negligible in alveolar capillaries
4: a low hydrostatic pressure in alveolar capillaries
Ganong, 19th ed, Ch 34
9904 – S: The functional residual capacity of the lung cannot be measured by spirometry because R: the functional residual capacity of the lung includes the residual volume which cannot be expelled by respiratory effort
S is true, R is true and a valid explanation of S
Ganong, 19th ed, Ch 33
10028 – The functional residual capacity of the lung is decreased
1: in the supine position
2: with chronic obstructive airways disease
3: with term pregnancy
4: with positive end-expiratory pressure
Ganong, 19th ed, Ch 34