Fluid & electrolytes Flashcards
21713 – Total body water
1: is used to calculate intracellular fluid volume
2: is a greater percentage of body weight in men than women
3: is calculated using Deuterium oxide dilution
4: increases with age
Ganong 13th Ed. Chapter: 1 Page: 2-3 Guyton 7th Ed. Chapter: 33 Page: 382-386
23174 – The total body water expressed as a percentage of body weight is
1: unaffected by obesity
2: greater in women than in men
3: approximately 45% in a 70 kilogram man of normal build
4: decreased in Cushing’s disease
Manual of Resource Material Ganong, 19th Ed, Ch 1, p1-3
7367 – Which of the following is/are true with regard to body composition?
1: The total amount of the exchangeable sodium in the body is approximately 3000 mmol, this being 70% of the total body sodium.
2: The total body potassium is approximately 3000 mmol and of this, 90% is exchangeable.
3: Serum osmolality is approximately 300 milliosmoles / kg.
4: The pH of the extracellular fluid is approximately 7.36 to 7.44.
21433 – Which of the following is/are true with respect to percentage water composition of the body?
1: it is lower in females
2: it can be estimated from measurement of plasma volume
3: it decreases with age
4: it is independent of body fat composition
Ganong 13th ed CHAPTER: 1 PAGE: 3
12793, 21218 – Concerning body water compartments
1: the extracellular fluid is isosmotic with the intracellular fluid at equilibrium
2: the extracellular volume of a 70 kg man is 18-20 litres
3: transcellular water is that component of extracellular water that has been processed through cells into special compartments
4: an individual’s total water is directly proportional to his fat content
Ganong 13th Ed. Chapter: 1 Page: 1-3 Guyton 7th Ed. Chapter: 33 Page: 382-386.
Transcellular water is, by definition, that component of extra-cellular fluid (ECF) that has been processed through cells into special compartments (C true); examples include aqueous humour, CSF and synovial fluid. ECF comprises 20% of total body water (TBW) and in a 70kg man is approximately 14 l (B false). Water content of fat is lower than that of muscle and other tissues so that TBW is inversely proportional to the amount of fat (D false). Women have relatively less TBW than men. ECF is isoosmotic with intracellular fluid (ICF) at osmotic equilibrium; any changes in osmolarity of either ECF or ICF are accompanied by movement of water across the cell membrane to restore osmotic equilibrium with resultant change in volume of either compartment (A true).
21428 – Concerning plasma
1: it has a higher sodium concentration than interstitial fluid
2: it has a higher magnesium concentration than interstitial fluid
3: it has a higher protein concentration than interstitial fluid
4: it has a higher chloride content than interstitial fluid
Ganong 13th Ed. Ch. 1 P. 5 Guyton 7th Ed. Ch. 33 P. 389 Ch. 30 P. 356
The electrolyte concentration of the plasma is greater than the electrolyte concentration of the interstitial fluid BECAUSE plasma proteins are negatively charged
7291 – The following are true or false for plasma components
1: the half-life of factor VIII infusion is 12 - 16 hours
2: Prothrombin complex concentrates contain factors II, IX and X, and are useful in vitamin K deficiency, warfarin overdose and patients with haemophilia B
3: Cryoprecipitate contains factor VIII, IX and von Willebrand factor and fibrinogen
4: the main use of intravenous albumin is for nutritional purposes, rather than as a volume expander
5: fresh frozen plasma contains normal levels of all coagulation factors
20133 – S. The electrolyte concentration of the plasma is greater than the electrolyte concentration of the interstitial fluid BECAUSE R. plasma proteins are negatively charged
S is true, R is true and a valid explanation of S
Guyton Ch. 30 P. 356-7 Ganong 13th Ed. Ch. 1 P. 5
23194 – Regarding the buffer systems of the body
1: bicarbonate is the most important buffer in the body
2: bicarbonate is not a good buffer at body fluid pH
3: phosphate is a good physiological buffer because of its pKa
4: bicarbonate is the most plentiful buffer in body fluid
Guyton 7th ed. Chapter: 37 Page: 441
19653 – Derangements of body fluid and electrolytes characteristic of gastric outlet obstruction are
A. HCO3 18 mmol/l, K 4.5 mmol/l Cl 101 mmol/l Na 135 mmol/l
B. HCO3 10 mmol/l, K 2.5 mmol/l Cl 112 mmol/l Na 140 mmol/l
C. HCO3 35 mmol/l, K 3.0 mmol/l Cl 152 mmol/l Na 120 mmol/l
D. HCO3 37 mmol/l, K 2.8 mmol/l Cl 71 mmol/l Na 135 mmol/l
E. HCO3 27 mmol/l, K 3.0 mmol/l Cl 164 mmol/l Na 140 mmol/l
Guyton 7th Edition CHAPTER: 37 PAGE: 449
22569 – In intracellular fluid
1: the potassium concentration is about 160 mmol/l
2: potassium, magnesium and sodium are the main cations present
3: organic phosphates are present in high concentration
4: the hydrogen ion concentration exceeds that in extracellular fluid
Ganong 11th Edition CHAPTER: 1 PAGE: 17. Page 7 table 1-2 Ganong 20th edition states K+concentration inside the cell is 150mmol/L -
10mmol diff
21293 – Interstitial fluid production is increased in patients who have
1: extensive thermal burns
2: irreversible shock
3: major deep vein thrombosis
4: acute hypoalbuminaemia
19300 – Under basal conditions, the route of greatest water loss is via the
A. skin
B. lung
C. kidney
D. gastrointestinal tract
E. salivary glands
Guyton 7th Ed. Ch. 33 P. 383
18964 – To correct metabolic alkalosis due to vomiting, the best initial replacement solution is
A. sodium chloride
B. calcium chloride
C. potassium chloride
D. sodium lactate
E. ammonium lactate
21693 – Potassium depletion may be associated with
1: flaccid paralysis
2: T wave inversion and U waves in the ECG
3: paralytic ileus
4: polyuria
Ganong 13th Ed. Chapter: 20 Page: 316-317 Ch. 28 P. 465 Ch. 33 P. 533 Ch. 26 P. 423