Respiratory anatomy Flashcards
Parts in upper respiratory tract
Parts in lower respiratory tract
What are the 3 conchae/turbinates
Structure of ventral concha
arises scrolls of bone and narrows rostrally as alar fold
Structure of dorsal concha
Arises from nasal bone and widens towards ethmoid bone caudally
Structure of ethmoid concha
Covered with olfactory mucosa and much larger and attached to ethmoid bone
Name the 4 meatus
Why might conchae be bone
keep airways open more easily as cant swell in infection
What is meatus
Spaces between the coiled bones(conchae) allow passage of air
What is Conchae/turbinates
Coiled Bones in nasal cavity to increase surface area for humidification and warming of air
Why are conchae/turbinate coiled
Increase Surface area-more mucosal/epithelial lining
Name 2 paired/paranasal sinuses in dogs
Maxillary and frontal
What does the maxillary sinus do
communicates freely with the nasal cavity
What do paranasal sinuses do
Hollow areas that are extension of the nasal cavity
Lined with nonolfactory epithelium
sometimes absent in brachycephalic dogs
Function of sinuses
unknown-reduce weight of skull,protection of skull, affect resonance of voice,
ethmoturbinates within sinuses used to increase Surface area for olfaction
Function of conchae
warm and humidify air
Specialised function of ehtmoidal conchae/turbinates
olfactory region- for sense of smell
Issues that could arise of nasal cavity only separated from oral cavity by thin plate of bone
Infection or abscesses within tooth roots could break into maxillary and cause more infection
Sinusitis could impact tooth roots in some cases
What does frontal sinus do
Contains ethmoturbinates-covered with olfactory mucosa
Largest and most important
Communicates with nasal cavity via nasofrontal openings
Why might orthopnoea (mouth breathing) occur and what is benefit
Strenuous exercise or condition to impact flow of air in nasal cavity
Benefit-more air