Respiratory Flashcards
Give 4 common triggers of asthma
What pattern is seen on spirometry in asthmatics?
How can asthma be diagnosed using spirometry?
BTS/NICE guidelines for asthma
Excluding asthma, give 2 atopic conditions
Specifically how does salbutamol improve symptoms in asthmatics?
Pack year equation
Spirometry pattern in COPD
Physiological measurement used to determine severity of COPD
low pH
low CO2
high O2
normal bicarb
What two abnormalities are seen on this ABG?
low pH
low CO2
high O2
normal bicarb
What implications does this ABG have on oxygen therapy and why?
Other than oxygen, give 4 aspects of your management plan of infective exacerbation of COPD
Who is long term oxygen therapy not appropriate for?
Give 2 signs on examination of consolidation
Excluding bloods, give 2 further tests for CAP
CURB-65 score components
Confusion (based on AMT)
3 most likely organisms to cause CAP
What score of CURB-65 needs hospital admission
Give 2 possible complications of pneumonia
Give 2 reasons why cases of TB may be on the rise
Antibiotics for TB and duration
Why are 4 antibiotics used in TB
Which TB antibiotic causes red-orange urine
Painful, purple nodules on shin in TB patient
Name 2 other causes of painful purple nodules other than TB
Incidence of CF in the UK
What is bronchiectasis
Give 2 organisms that commonly colonise the lungs of those with CF
Give 3 causes of bronchiectasis, other than CF
Give 2 complications of bronchiectasis
Other than recent surgery, give 2 risk factors for pulmonary embolism
normal pH
low CO2
high O2
BE 0.6
What abnormality is seen on this ABG?
What underlying mechanism is responsible for ? ABG result in PE
Name 2 investigations for pulmonary embolism diagnosis
target INR range
how long to continue warfarin for in someone who has never had a DVT or PE previously
measure to take to reduce risk of DVT/PE in pts undergoing total knee replacement
Other than a non-resolving LRTI/pneumonia, give 4 symptoms someone with lung cancer may present with
Give 3 sites that lung cancers are most likely to metastasise to
Other than CXR, name 2 imaging modalities that may be used to determine the extent of lung cancer
What staging system is used for squamous cell carcinoma of the lung?
SVCO symptoms
Test for SVCO
2 abnormalities on CXR of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Name 2 causes of extrinsic allergic alveolitis
Name 2 non-respiratory causes of pulmonary fibrosis
Other than pulmonary fibrosis, give 2 other respiratory causes of clubbing
Obstructive sleep apnoea questionnaire
Other than obesity, give 2 risk factors for obstructive sleep apnoea
How is obstructive sleep apnoea diagnosed
sleep study
Give 2 aspects of obstructive sleep apnoea management
What is cor pulmonale
Right sided heart failure caused by pulmonary disease
1 abnormality on CXR of cor pulmonale
1 abnormality on ECG of cor pulmonale
Other than sarcoidosis, give 2 possible causes of bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
Transbronchial biopsy of sarcoidosis
4 extrapulmonary manifestations of sarcoidosis
2 pieces of advice before starting long term steroids
6 side effects of long term steroids
2 signs of pleural effusion on examination of the chest
Where should you insert the needle of a pleural tap
above the rib to avoid neurovascular bundle
High protein content (>30d/L) - exudate or transudate
High LDH (>200 IU/L) - exudate or transudate
Name 2 other tests you would perform on pleural fluid other than protein content and LDH
What chemical is used to plug the tap in pleural effusion