respiratory Flashcards
respiration vs ventilation
resp = exchange gases @ alveoli
vent = movement air thru airways
plica vena cava
fold of pleura that caudal vena cava runs to heart in
what type control diaphragm
somatic - can control it bc can control breathing
importance neg press in pleural cavity
holds lungs against ribs/diaphragm
* w/o it ribs etc move but lungs don’t (= can’t breathe)
* hole in pleura = lung collapse = pneumothorax
species diffs bet pleural sacs
ruminants: L + R pleural sacs isolated = conditions limited to side of injury
dog/cat/horse: mediasteinal pleura permeable = comm = unilateral problem becomes bilateral
outer part nostril where air enters
* protection from invasion foreign mat
interior rostral nasal cavity lined stiff hairs for further protection
horse = expandable for incr air floe bc can’t breathe thru mouth
scrolls bone lined vascular mucosa w mucous glands
* splits nasal cavity into 4 interconnected passageways = meati (single meatus)
* warms (-> core body temp), humidifies + cleans air - bc mucosa v mucousy (protect against infection)
where are turbinates found
- dorsal nasal concha
- ventral nasal concha
- ethmoidal conchae
passage air after nasal cavity
-> nasopharynx -> larynx -> infraglottic cavity -> trachea -> bifurcation dorsal to base heart …..
structure + role larynx
interconnected cartilages that move (inc epiglottis), lined mucous mem
* connects pharynx + trachea
* protect lower airways
* involved swallowing, coughing, eructation/vomming/rumination
* open + close w breathing so paralysis = vocal fold -> centre + no open = resistance airflow
epiglottis involved diverting food mat airway -> oes
structure trachea
incomplete rings cartilage (fibro, framework), w ends joined trachialis musc
* sometimes flat cartilage + long musc = sticks trachea on inspiration = difficult breathe
* carnivores = musc on outside, everything else = on inside
exterior CT layer, tubular, ciliated mucosal lining w mucous glands
bronchus types
- primary to each lung
- second each supply lobe
- tert (= segmental) each supply prim lobule (bronchopulmonary segment)
CT bet lobules
peribronchial CT
* -> surface visceral pleura
* can be visible as surface marbling, e.g. pigs
tracheal bronchus
in ruminants + pigs, deviates from trachea cranial to bifurcation -> cranial lobe R lung
division systems bronchi
- 1st 6 = monopodial sys, w only small decr in diameter for small incr in cross-sectional area
- then equal sys -> 2 daughter bronchi equal size to each other = large incr cross-sectional area (double each time)
* = air travelling slower + less turbulent by end
airway lining
pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium w goblet cells + submucosal glands
* cilia beat together for mucous -> pharynx -> swallow = protective mucociliary escalator function
* remove foreign mat + microbes that bypassed upper airway defences
lobe + lobule distinction diff species
bounding gait need greater freedom movement = more external sep bet lobes (dog lots, horse nope)
dogs = lobule divisions not visible, pigs = v visible CT marbling
lobe defn
portion tiss supplied secondary bronchus
not defined external divisions
bronchus vs bronchiole
- cartilage rings dwindle -> plates then replaced sm musc (can change diameter) + elastic tiss (structure) in bronchioles
- bronchioles no submucosal glands
bronchioles <1mm diameter
terminal bronchioles
last division bronchioles before resp zone, each ending in air exchange portion lung (secondary lobule)
* no cilia
* no goblet cells
* Clara cells prod surfactant
resp zone components
- resp bronchioles w alveolar outpouchings of walls for some gas exchange
- alveolar ducts
- alveolar sacs
sm musc + elastic tiss in resp zone
no sm musc - all affected external forces
lots elastic tiss investing it = passively recoils to shape (lots expiration passive)
cells in alveoli epithelium
- type 1 alveolocytes = v thin squamous
- type 2 = cuboidal to prod surfactant (keep surface bet cells + air moist)
- macrophage to phagocytose tiny foreign particles/infectious agents past nasal + escalator -> alveoli
alveolocytes = pneumocytes
layers for gas exchange
thin = easy gas exchange
thin fluid film for O2/CO2 dissolve so can move across mems
bronchovascular bundle
bronchus w bronchial artery + vein running alongside w CT tiss around (part pleura)
* breathe + change press pleural space = pleura moves, all connected = bundles open + reduced resistance blood/air flow
histology resp sys
bronchial circulation
bronchial arteries from aorta -> supply lung tiss -> bronchial veins -> azygous vein
* some -> pulm circ -> LA (deoxed blood no significant effect on oxygenation blood -> bod)
why does all blood pass thru cap bed in lungs
interarterial + intervenous anastomoses in lungs but no arteriovenous
* = neoplastic cells, infectious agents sieved out + stay @ lungs = tumours spread there often
nerve supply to lungs
symp + parasymp from pulmonary plexus
1. vagus nerve for parasymp supply, directly innervating airways
2. symp only innervates bvs, effects on airway sm musc via (nor)adrenaline in blood on β2 adrenoreceptors (indirect)
what sends info on sensory nerves
mechanoreceptors (stretch receptors) + chemoreceptors (e.g. if irritant) -> resp centre
cross-section trachea
why so many layers to airways
complex for defence against external environ
1. aerodynamic filtration
2. mucociliary escalator
aerodynamic filtration
coiled turbinates = particles bounced to sides covered mucous = stick then cilia beat w escalator = moved out
bc turbinates covered pseudostratified w cilia + mucous
histology lower resp tract
epithelial defences gone so can gas exchange so need alveolar defences (macrophages)
histology bronchovascular bundle
blood air barrier
interstitium almost indistinguishable
how does alveolar epitheium renew
type 1 pneumocytes can’t divide so if damaged just type 2 (no good for gas exchange) - they divide then specialise
* so type 2 essential for mucous asw as maintenance
upper vs lower resp sys
upper = nose + pharynx
lower = larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs
- stratified squamous -> pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium w goblet cells
- upper = cilia down towards pharynx, vus up towards pharynx (both so can be swallowed)
how does mucous mem change down lower resp tract
after tertiary bronchi pseudo -> ciliated columnar w some goblet cells -> w/o goblet -> non-ciliated simple cuboidal (terminal bronchioles) -> simple squamous
from terminal bronchioles inhaled particles removed by macrophages
interlobular septa
CT walls sepping respiratory unit lobules
* consist sollagen, elastic fibres + bvs
* no in carnivores, complete in ruminants + pigs, horses have incomplete (poorly lobulated)
alveolar pores
= septal pores = openings in interalveolar septa
* lined by epithelial cells for air + macrophages pass bet alveoli
visceral pleura =?
pulmonary pleura
* squamous -> cuboidal cells overlying elastic fibres + dense irregular CT
* free surface of cells covered microvilli
* thickest parts cont collagen, bvs, lymph vessels
respiratory rate
no. breaths taken 1min
resting RR
horses = 10-12brpm
normal resting breathing
increased RR
increased resp depth
incr resp effort
absence of breathing
purpose of breathing
ventilate alveoli
how to get air movement
due press changes in alveoli
1. for inhalation: gen press < atmospheric (by expand thoracic cavity)
2. for exhalation: gen press > atmos (= decr size thoracic cavity) then air out until alveolar press = atmos
bet breaths no movement air (insp + exp pauses) = press in alveoli = atmos press
result/importance neg press in pleural space
- lungs expand on inspiration
- lungs no collapse on expiration
how does inspiration happen
- diaphragm contracts + flattens caudally
- external intercostal musc run caudoventral + contract so ribs out + cranial
- = incr size thoracic cavity = decr press = air in
how does expiration happen
usually passive from elastic recoil lungs + muscs so press incr + air out
* some species = active phase, also in exercise =:
1. internal intercostals (cranioventral) = ribs caudal + in
2. abdom muscs contract = abdom contents up = diaphragm domes
3. = thorax decr size = alv press incr = exp
result active expiration
walls compressed so tiss recoils = neg press = passive inspiration
before active inspiration
transpulmonary press
diff bet alveolar press + intrapleural press
w equ
degree to which change in transpulmonary press leads to change in lung vol
C = change in vol/change in press
altered in disease state + if obese
what does lung compliance depend on
- elasticity of lungs + thoracic cage
- alveoli surface tension
alveoli surface tension
resp zone surfaces lined fluid facilitate dissolution + diffusion gases + water mols form H bonds at water-air interface, creating surface tension
* = decr SA = resists lung expanion = decr lung compliance