Respiratory 1 Flashcards
a) What is ventilation?
b) When inheal diaphragm moves?
c) When exheal lung moves?
a) the movement of air into & out of the lungs
b) diaphragm contracts and moves downward
Creating a negative pressure that draws air into the lungs
Inspiration > diaphragm goes down > pressure decreases
c) diaphragm relax
a) Lung complicance?
b) High lung compliance means?
c) Compliance influebced by?
d) Elasticity?
a) mesueremnt of the lung’s ability to stretch
b) lung can expand easily
c) Elasticity
Surfece tention of alveoli
Resistance of the airways
d) tendency to return proginal shape after streched
Breathing is an involuntary action
a) What part is control of respiratory muscle?
b) pons & medulla control what?
a) CNS
brain stem transmits impulses to the respiratory muscles
pons & medulla
b) rhythm, depth & volume of ventilation.
Restrictive Lung Problems
a) Deffinistion?
b) What is alteration in compliance?
c) Example
a) Any resp disorder that decreases compliance & elasticity is a RESTRICTIVE issue:
b) problems getting air in
c) Head injury, tumor, spinal cord injury, stroke
Chest wall trauma, Obesity, Kyphoscoliosis
Pleural effusion, Pneumothorax
Obstructive Lung Problems
a) Definition
b) Example
a) Any resp disorder that narrows or obstructs the airways during inspiration or expiration is an OBSTRUCTIVE issue
b) Mucous plug
Endotracheal tube (ET)
Chronic COPD
a) Alveoli main function?
b) Type 1?
c) Type 2?
a) Primary gas-exchange units
b) Provide the structure
c) Produce surfactant
Gas Exchange
All about?
-O2 getting on hgb and CO2 getting off!
-PaO2 drives the loading of the hemoglobin
(pressure at which the oxygen dissolves in your blood.)
a) Ventlation(V)?
b) Purfusion(Q)?
c) If Low V/Q?
d) If High V/Q?
a) amount of gas moving into and out of the alveoli
b) amount of the blood pass the alveoli
We want make match as close as possible 1:1
c) something wrong with lung
d) Imparied perfusion(this is only mismach that affects perfusion)
a) Shunt VQ
b) High VQ
a) 0/1 no O2 entering alveoli
CO2 doen’t get out the body
pneumonia,pulmonary edema
b) 1/0 good O2 but lack of blood
cardiogenetic shocks, HE, PE,embolisum
Respiratory Changes and Aging
a) Dec what foctors?
b) Inc risk for?
a) Dec elastic recoil
Dec compliance
Dec muscle
Dec cough reflex
Inc in AP diameter
b) Infection
Poor gas exchange
Respiratory distress
Respiratory failure
Oxyhemoglobin Curve
a) right shift
b) Left shift
a) less O2 attached to heg, more CO2 attached
Inc temp
b) More O2 attached to heg
Dec temp
air gets into pleural space
extra pressure on the lungs can cause them to collapse partially or completely
a) Closed pneumothorax?
b) Spontaneous pneumothorax?
c) causes?
a) Rupture of visceral or parietal pleura
Air destroys negative pressure, lung collapses
b) If a pneumothorax occurs for no known reason
Tall, thin men between the ages of 20-40
Marfan syndrome
Cystic fibrosis
c) Fractured rib (blunt trauma)
Open pneumothorax
An accident
Injury to the chest cavity
a) what is it?
b) causes?
c) manifestations?
a) Blood in pleural space!
Can have both air and blood = hemopneumothorax
b) penetrating trauma
Rib fractures
Lung parenchymal (pulmonary contusion)
c) Decr/absent breath sounds
Dec chest expansion
Dec percussion noted
Effects hemodynamics
Tension Pneumothorax
a) What is it?
b) Causes?
The most DANGER!
a) pleural rupture acts as one-way valve
air doesn’t escape during expiration
pressure compress heart
b) Injuries/Trauma
Lung Disease
Chronic bronchitis
Tension Pneumothorax
a) Clinical Manifestations
b) Collaborative Care-Emergency Situation
a) Severe dyspnea/hypoxemia
Absent breath sounds affected side
Neck vein distention
b) Oxygen (high flow)
Needle thoracotomy/Chest tube insertion
2nd ICS on affected side
Monitor EKG, VS
Possible intubation
Close +Open Pneumothorax
ABCs!!!! = basic care package
Oxygen therapy
Chest tube
Vented dressing with open phneumothroax
NDX pneumothorax
Impaired gas exchange, Ineffective breathing pattern, Ineffective airway clearance
What to do?
- Maintain open airway
- Assess VS, Breath sounds, SpO2 (q4hrs)
- Position in Fowler’s or semi-Fowler’s
- Administer oxygen/assess effectiveness
- Maintain/monitor chest tube function (q2hrs)
- Provide for adequate rest
- Increase patient mobility (once stabilized)
NDX pneumothorax
Risk for infection
What to do?
- Chest tube care/site care
- Wound care (open pneumothorax)
- Monitor/interpret labs
- Monitor VS
- Administer antibiotics
NDX pneumothorax
Decreased cardiac output (tension pneumothorax; hemothorax)
- Monitor VS
- Administer fluids (crystalloids, colloids)
- Monitor I&O
- Monitor H&H, RBCs, platelets
Flail chest
a) what is it?
b) result in?
c) causes?
a) 3 or more ribs broken in 2 or more places
b) Impairs movement of oxygen & CO2
Causes hypoxemia and acidosis
c) motor vehicle accidents
40 % mortality
Flail chest
Unequal chest expansion
Hypoxemia (ABGs)
Dyspnea, tachypnea
Crepitus (over ribs)
Flail chest
ABCs, then
high fowlers position
Surgical Stabilization
Prevent hypoxemia/oxygen administration
Intubate & ventilate; PEEP often required
(Positive end-expiratory pressure)
IV fluid administration
Control pain
Monitor EKG, SpO2, VS, ABGs
Nursing DX
Flail Chest
Impaired Gas exchange r/t tissue edema
decreased compliance and decreased area for gas exchange
Ineffective airway clearance r/t bronchial irritation or pain
Pain r/t traumatic disruption of tissue
Ineffective coping, individual and family r/t crisis of critical injury and fear of impending death
High risk for infection r/t trauma and depressed immune system from stress response
Related injuries
Respiratory failure
Pulmonary embolism
Chest pain
Chest wall tenderness
Back and shoulder pain
Upper abdominal pain
Painful respiration and new onset of wheezing
EKG may show new cardiac arrhythmia
a) Massive pulmonary embolism
b) Nonmassive pulmonary embolism
a) systolic arterial pressure less than 90 mm Hg
mortality 30% to 60%
deaths occur in the first 1-2hr
b) systolic arterial pressure greater than or equal to 90 mm Hg
More common 95%
Medical Treatment 4
Inferior Vena Cava Filters
a) Anticoagulation
b) Inferior Vena Cava Filters
a) should be started immediately
oral Warfarin (Coumadin) should be started
b) traps any blood clots before they reach the lungs
Inserted percutaneously (through the skin) to prevent further PE
D-dimer, Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
-positive if the level is greater than 500 ng/mL
Multidetector Computed Tomographic Angiography (MDCTA)
Pulmonary Angiography (harder and more invasive)
Ventilation-Perfusion (V/Q) scanning of the lung
Duplex ultrasonography (look for DVT)
Impending Respiratory Failure
declining mental clarity,
worsening fatigue
PCO2 of ≥42 mm Hg
When wheezing stops