Hypertensive Flashcards
Mechanisms for regulating BP
a) Short-term
b) Long-term
a) regulate blood vessel diameter, heart rate, and contractility
b) regulate blood volume
Mechanisms of Rising BP?
a) Stimulation of the “baroreceptors” in?
b) Increase what system?
c) increased cardiac output
a) Carotid sinus
Aortic arch
Large arteries of the neck and thorax
b) Increased impulses to the brain (SNS)
Increased activity of sympathetic cardiac nerves
c) release of epinephrine and norepinephrine
Sympathetic nervous system?
body’s rapid involuntary response to dangerous or stressful situations
Long Term Mechanisms
Increasing BP
a) Control fluid volume via what system?
b) What enzyme causes inc BP?
c) RASS system pathway?
a) Renal
b) Renin
c) angiotensinogen activating it to angiotensin I to angiotensin II
stimulates the cells of the adrenal cortex to release the hormone aldosterone
a) HTN systolic BP?
b) HTN diastolic BP?
c) Untreated HTN cause?
a) 140 or greater
b) 90 or greater
c) Stroke
Kidney failure
HTN crisis definition
a) BP to be?
b) Other factor to confirm?
a) systolic BP >210 mmHg
diastolic BP >130 mmHg
b) Positive lab studies
Clinical evidence of progressive organ damage
HTN crisis are more common in?
Older patients (50+)
African Americans
Men more likely than women
HTN Crisis
a) most common cause?
b) next most common cause?
a) essential HTN
b) Anything about kidney
renal artery stenosis
acute glomerulonephritis
kidney transplantation
Pregnancy-related eclampsia
HTN Crisis
What to assess?
A rapid but thorough systems review of Patient
Neurologic: blurry vision
Cardiac: chest pain
Renal: decrease in urine output
HTN crisis: nursing care
a) how to take BP?
b) what reason may BP cannot be accurate?
a) Take BP in both arm
If there is more than 20 mmHg pressure between arms
Assessing for aortic dissection (CT)
-if aortic dissecting, BP result might different in different arm
aortic dissection=a tear in the inner layer of the large blood vessel branching off the heart
Assessment (what look for?)
Presence of JVD
Lungs: Rales(crackles)
Lower extremity edema
Quick Neuro assessment
Laboratory orders includes?
Blood chemistry panel
BUN, creatinine
a) Which procedure need to be obtained?
b) Check aortic dissection?
c) Check stroke or intracranial hemorrhage?
a) CXR and ECG
b) Thoracic CT scan with contrast
c) Head CT scan
a) HTN emergency?
b) HTN urgency?
a) both systolic and diastolic BP
acute target organ disease
b) HTN
Negative lab test
absence of acute target organ disease
Possible organ damage
HTN emargency
hypertensive encephalopathy(mental change)
intracranial hemorrhage
acute myocardial infarction
acute left ventricular failure with pulmonary edema
dissecting aneurysm
acute renal failure
eclampsia of pregnancy(Seizures)
Possible S/S
HTN urgency?
shortness of breath
pedal edema
Rate of BP reduction
a) Goal to reduce MAP?
b) If stable?
a) by no more than 25%(Within minutes to 1 hr)
b) to 160/100 to 110 mmHg within the next 2 to 6 hr
What happens if drop BP too fast in a hypertensive emergency?
damage the blood flow to organs
a) act where?
b) effect?
c) action?
d) risk?
a) arterial and venous vasodilator
b) effect on both side
Reduces after-load and pre-load
to decrease MAP
modest increase or no change in CO
c) onset: Immediate
Duration:3 to 5 minutes
d) Thiocyanate poisoning
-Draw thiocyanate levels after 48 hours hr
Nitroglycerin (NTG)
a) act where?
b) effect?
c) action?
d) risk?
a) peripheral vasodilator, on the venous vessels
b) decrease in preload and CO
increases coronary blood flow
Dec venous side(preload) rather than afterload(arteial)
c) Onset: Immediate.
Duration:3 to 5 minutes.
Continue until BP is controlled with oral agents
Beta1 Blocker
a) act where?
b) effect?
c) action?
d) risk?
a) an alpha-1-blocker and nonselective beta-blocker
b) Decreasing systemic vascular resistance, MAP and heart rate
a slight decrease in CO
c) Onset: 5 to 10 minutes
Duration: 3 to 8 hours
a) Increases SV and has strong cerebral and coronary vasodilatory activity
b) Makes it easier for the heart to pump and reduces its workload
c) Onset: 5 to 10 minutes
Duration: 2 to 4 hours
HTN crisis
Cardiac Impairment
-myocardial damage, HF
Neurologic Deficit
-Permanent neurologic compromise r/t CVA
-hypertensive encephalopathy
Renal Impairment
Renal insufficiency and failure