Organ Flashcards
Gives individuals who are 18 years of age or older the right to donate organs
Gives health care agent right to donate
Gives individuals the right to refuse to donate
Law of 1998
a) Who to call after every death?
b) Who can ONLY requuest donation to the family or MPOA?
a) OPO
b) OPO or specially trained requestor
Computer program
Mathcing system
Out of patient cardiac arrest death
-only donate tissues
How to consider to death?
a) asystole
b) brain death
a) irreversible cessation of circulatory or respiratory function
b) irrevesible cessatopm of all funstions of the entire brain including brain stem
What part can donate?
a) Pt in ICU heart stop
b) Outside hospital pt
a) kindey,liver, lung, pancrease
b) only tissue within 24hr
What organ can donate?
herat,kidney,lungs,liver etc
tissue donor
Brain Death Criteria
Clinical and neurological exam(EEG)
Supporting data
Apnea testing (response hypoxia?)
Brain scan
Must establish absence of all brainstem reflexes including respiratory drive
Who to contact abut donation?
If I become unable to make my own health care decisions
18 years of age or older
If not MPOA then who diceides?
RN role?
RN should NOT request donation
Screen all pts for MPOA or advanced directives
Report all cardiac eaths for potentiao tissue or eye donation(notify OPO)
Notify provider ASAP when organ donation is an option
Frequent lab evaluations and supplementation to maintain electrolyte and hormonal balance