Respiration Flashcards
Respiration definition
The making of energy
How long does ATP last for?
During max intensity exercise it can only sustain energy for 2-3 seconds so to continually create energy for muscular contraction it needs to be resynthesied for ATP to be reformed again from ADP
Aerobic respiration equation
Glucose+O2= energy+cO2+H20
What does ATP stand for?
Adenosine Triphosphate
What is ATP?
- Located in the muscles
- The basic energy source for muscles
- They have 3 phosphate groups and adenosine
How is ATP broken down to release energy for contraction?
- When energy is required the enzyme ATPase is released which initiates the breakdown of ATP.
- It is the outermost bond of ATP that most interests ATPase.
- Phosphate splits, breaking off
- Creating energy for contraction
- ATP becomes ADP and inorganic phosphate
- Some of the energy is given off as heat so it’s termed exothermic
How long can energy be sustained for during max intensity exercise?
2-3 seconds
How do you continually create energy for muscular contraction?
ATP must be reformed (ADP must become ATP again)
Aerobic respiration (equation)
Anaerobic respiration (equation)
Glucose+X=Energy+ Lactate+H++
What are the 3 energy systems?
- Aerobic System
- ATP-PC Anaerobic system
- Anaerobic glycotic system
Aerobic system (what occurs)
- Glycogen is first converted into glucose
- Sarcoplasm
- 1 mol of glucose
- 2 pyruvic acid
- Is oxygen available? yes
- Acetyl coenzyme A (becomes this by combining with the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase.)
- Mitochondria
- Oxaloacetic acid (bi-product of glycolysis)
- Citric acid
- Krebs cycle (occurs in matrix of mitochondria)
. oxidates the citric
acid by removing
the hydrogen
atoms from the
compound which
enter the final
stage of the
aerobic system
(electron transport
. Production of carbon dioxide:
Removal of
hydogen means
that only carbon
and oxygen
remain which
combine to form
carbon dioxide
which is carried
around to the lungs
where it is breathed
out. (Carbon dioxide is waste)
. Resynthesis of ATP:
as sufficient energy
is released at this
stage to resyntheise
2 mols of ATP - Hydrogen (removed) goes to electron transport chain
- CO2 (produced)
- Electron transport chain (occurs in the cristae of the mitochondria)
. Water is formed when the hydrogen removed from the krebbs cycle and electrons combine with oxygen
. Resynthesis of ATP- 34 moles of ATP - H20 is formed
- 34-38 ATP
What happens if O2 is present in the aerobic system?
- Pyruvic acid combines with O2 and enters the Krebbs cycle
- This system can generate up to 38 mols of ATP from 1 mol of glucose
ATP-PC system
- Phosphocreatine is stored within the muscle
- PC becomes P+C via the enzyme creatine kinase
- The energy released when this chemical bond is broken is used to reform ADP + P= ATP
- It’s a coupled reaction
- 1 ATP
What is a coupled reaction in terms of the ATP-PC system?
The energy released from PC is coupled with the energy demands of ADP to reform ATP
How long can the ATP-PC system resynthesise ATP for?
8-10 seconds but the first few seconds of intense muscular activity ATP is maintained at a relatively constant level but PC levels decrease steadily.
Anaerobic glycotic system (what occurs)
- Initially stored glycogen is converted to glucose
- Sarcoplasm
- 1 mol of glucose
- Glycolysis
- 2 pyruvic acid
- Is oxygen available?no
- 2 mols of lactate and H++ (makes it acidic)
- 2 ATP
Definition of aerobic
Making of energy with oxygen based on intensity
Definition of anaerobic
Making of energy without oxygen at maximal intensity
Definition of oxygen debt
Lack of oxygen in the body and it’s size of debt is based on intensity and how long your exercising for
What energy system would a really intense activity rely on the production of energy from?
Anaerobic pathways like:
- ATP-PC system
- Anaerobic glycotic system
What energy system would a decreasing intensity activity rely on the production of energy from?
Aerobic system
What is the active enzyme involved in aerobic respiration?
Definition of glycolysis
The breakdown of glycogen
Differences between ATP-PC system and anaerobic glycotic system
- The ATP-PC system produces more power and more quickly compared to the anerobic glycotic system
- The anerobic glycotic system has a bigger fuel tank and doesn’t burn all of it’s energy as quickly as the ATP-PC system
- Anaerobic glycotic system doesn’t fatigue as quickly compared to the ATP-PC system
How many seconds after the ATP-PC system does the anerobic glycotic system have to contribute?
After about 10 seconds
How many seconds is there a power decline after the anaerobic glycotic system contributing so the aerobic system contributes?
45 seconds
What is the duration of sustained ATP resythesis (ATP-PC system)
10 seconds
What is the duration of sustained ATP resynthesis (Anaerobic glycotic system)
60 secs- 3 mins
What is the duration of sustained ATP resynthesis (Aerobic system)
What are the bi-products of the aerobic system?
Carbon dioxide and water
What are the bi-products of the ATP-PC system?
Phosphate and creatine
What are the bi-products of the anaerobic glycotic system?
Lactate and hydrogen++
What is the effect of lactate and h++?
Muscles become extremely acidic from the pyruvate and h+ creating a burning sensation.
Advantages to an athlete using the aerobic system?
- More ATP can be resynthesised
- Oxidation of glycogen and fatty acids do not produce an fatiguing bi-products
- The body has substantial stores of muscle glycogen and triglycerides to enable exercise to last for several hours.
Drawbacks of aerobic system to an athlete?
- When we go from a resting state to exercise it takes a while for sufficient oxygen to become available to meet the new demands of the activity and enable the complete breakdown of glycogen and fatty acids.
- Transport of fatty acids to the muscle is slow and requires 15% more oxygen than that required to break down the equivalent amount of glycogen.
What are fats stored in the muscle called and what are they broken down into?
Triglycerides but they are first broken down into glycerol and 3 fatty acids before they go through the process of beta-oxidation
What is the main difference between fat and glycogen metabolism?
- More energy comes from 1 mole of fatty acids than from 1 mole of glycogen
Definition of recovery
The return of the body to it’s pre-exercise state
What does it mean when you are in ‘steady state’?
your 100% aerobic
How is fat broken down?
Beta oxidation
What is VO2 max?
The maximum amount of O2 that can be utilised by the body per minute of time. (it measures an individuals aerobic capacity)
Limiting factors that prevent the body from using more and more oxygen?
- Heart rate (maxes out)
- Breathing rate (maxes out)
- Stroke volume will only increase to a certain level
- Tidal volume will max out
- Fixed number of:
- Mitochondria
- Red blood cells
- Myoglobin
What does OBLA stand for?
Onset blood lactate accumulation
Definition of OBLA?
Point at which the body is unable to produce enough oxygen to break down lactate build up
When does OBLA occur?
- it normally occurs at about 60% of a persons VO2 max in a healthy untrained subject but 80% in more highly trained athletes
What occurs during the exercise period?
- exercise begins
- There is an oxygen deficit because the oxygen needs and supply differ
- Oxygen requirement
- Oxygen supply
How do you work out oxygen deficit?
The difference between oxygen required and oxygen consumed
When sub maximal exercise begins from a resting position why may all 3 mechanisms operate?
- Energy needs during sub-maximal exercise can be catered for entirely by the aerobic system (oxygen supply meets demand)
- In steady state
- Increased oxygen supply can be catered for by cardiavascular and respiratory system.
- When exercise first begins there is a sharp step change in intensity and oxygen requirements raise sharply.
- Increase happens suddenly and the body systems needed to support this can’t respond instantly as heart rate, breathing rate, blood redistribution all take time to gear up.
- During this period, the body incurs an oxygen deficit so anerobic respiration is required which is supported by both the ATP-PC and anerobic glycotic systemsuntil the aerobic system can gear up and supply once again meets demand.
What does EPOC stand for?
Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
Definition of EPOC
The amount of oxygen consumed during recovery above that which normally would have been consumed at rest in the same period of time.
- Volume of oxygen required to restore phosphagens used in the ATP-PC system
- Takes about 2-3 mins to recover phosphocreatine in which time 2-3 litres of oxygen can be consumed
- Involves the conversion of ADP back into ATP and PC
- It is fast
- Volume of oxygen needed to remove lactic acid from the muscles.
- Process of lactic acid removal takes an hour but it can be sped up by a cool down
- But after 15 mins it gets ride of 50% of it so it takes longer to get rid of the second half
- It is slow
Definition of window of opportunity
It is the time immediately following exercise when your body is extremely responsive to nutrition.
How many hours is the window of opportunity for protein?
48 hours and exercise induced muscle damage will be reduced (EIMD)
- Protein synthesis is increased after exercise but only for a limited time
- Body cells become more sensitive to insulin
How many hours is the window of opportunity for carbohydrates?
2 hours
Carbohydrate window of opportunity (2 hours)
- It triggers the activation of an enzyme that stimulates the production of glycogen
- It’s important for loading muscles and the liver with stored energy.
Exercise recovery
Thermo regulation
- Temperature regulation and cooling
- Rehydration
What is carbohydrate loading? (method)
- Reduce glycogen levels (1-3 days out of 7)
- Continue to exercise
- Then reduce training
- Eat high carb diet for last few days
The bodies response is thankful that training is reduced so it stores 3.5-4.5 hrs of glycogen
What is supercompensation?
The body is forced into storing more glycogen
Advantages of carbohydrate loading
- Increased glycogen stores
- Delays fatigue
- Increased time to exhaustion by up to 30%
Disadvanatages of carbohydrate loading
- Poor recovery in first 3 days
- High irritability in first 3 days as not enough fuel to function
- Increased risk of injury
What is the priming effect?
- If you start running at a hard pace with no warm up it takes a while for your body to adjust to start delivering oxygen to your muscles.
- So a sustained burst of hard exercise in the warm up before a race will improve how quickly your body can process oxygen and deliver it to your muscles
- it boosts oxygen kinetics and increases time to exhaustion
What are the two stages to recovery?
- Fast replenishment stage (alactacid debt)
- Slow replenishment stage (lactacid debt)
Fast replenishment stage (alactacid debt)
- First component of EPOC
- it’s the first stage of the recovery process and relates to the immediate consumption of oxygen following exercise.
- oxygen consumed is used to resaturate myoglobin with oxygen and resynthesise ATP and PC.
- It takes approximately 2-3 minutes
Slow replenishment stage (lactacid debt)
- Second component of EPOC
- Can take up to 2 hours
- the oxygen consumed during the slow stage of recovery has several functions
1. Removal of lactic acid- sped up by a cool down as it keeps the metabolic activity of the muscles high.
2. Maintenance of elevated heart and respiratory rates- so they can work properly
3. Replenishment of muscle gylcogen store depending on - type of exercise performed
- amount and timing of carbohydrate consumption following exercise
- Used to resynthesise ATP in the first 10 seconds of intense exercise
- To help facilitate this immediate resynthesis of ATP, PCr is stored within the muscle cell itself alongside ATP.
- However stores of PCr are limited
- (stored carbohydrate)
- Glycogen is stored in the muscles (350g) and liver (100g)
- It’s first converted to glucose before being broken down to release the energy needed for ATP resynthesis
- During high intensity exercise glycogen can be used without the presence of oxygen (anaerobic power).
- However much more energy can be released from glycogen during aerobic metabolism when oxygen is available
- (muscular store of fat)
- At rest up to two thirds of our energy requirement is met through the breakdown of fatty acids.
- This is because fat can provide more energy per gram than glycogen (1g of fat= 9.1kcal but 1g of glycoge= 4.1kcl)
What are the factors that dictate whether oxygen is present and which energy system predominates?
- Intensity of the exercise
- Duration of the exercise
What energy system will be required if the activity is intense?
- The performer will rely on anaerobic pathways
- E.g. ATP-PC system or lactic acid system
Advantages to the athlete of using the aerobic system?
- More ATP can be resynthesised (36 ATP aerobically compared to 2 ATP anaerobically)
- Oxidation of fatty acids and glycogen don’t produce any fatiguing by-products
- Body has substantial stores of muscle glycogen and triglycerides to enable exercise to last for several hours
Drawbacks of the aerobic system to the athlete?
- When we go from resting state to exercise, it takes a while for sufficient oxygen to become available to meet the new demands of the activity and enable the complete breakdown of glycogen and fatty acids
- Can’t provide energy to resynthesise ATP in the immediate short term unless it’s low intensity
- Transport of fatty acids to the muscle is slow and requires 15% more oxygen compared to glycogen
- Due to the low solubility of fatty acids, endurance athletes will use a mixture of both glycogen and fatty acids to provide the energy needed for ATP resynthesis but when glycogen becomes depleted and the body attempts to metabolise fatty acids muscle spasms may result (known as hitting the wall)
What does the recovery period also involve and why?
- A period where breathing rates and heart rates are elevated.
- This ensures adequate amounts of oxygen are taken into the body and delivered to the muscles
- This will help rebuild stores of PC and ATP as well as removing lactic acid
Advantages of ATP-PC system to an athlete?
- ATP can be resynthesised very rapidly by PCr
- PCr stores are recovered very quickly within 2-3mins of exercise stopping
- No fatiguing by-products which could delay recovery
Drawbacks of the ATP-PC system to the athlete?
- Resynthesis of PCr can only take place when there is only sufficient oxygen available
- Only a limited supply of PCr stored in the muscle cell (fatigue occurs when there is a fall and no longer can sustain ATP resynthesis)
What tests exist to measure vo2 max?
- Bleep test
- Cooper run
- Harvard step test
Advantages of anaerobic glycotic system to athlete?
- ATP can be resynthesised quickly
- It’s an anaerobic process so doesn’t need to wait for oxygen to be present
Drawbacks of anaerobic glycotic system to athlete?
- Accumulation of lactic acid makes muscles extremely acidic
Factors influencing the rate of lactic acid accumulation
- Exercise intensity
- Muscle fibre type (slow twitch fibres produce less lactate compared to fast twitch
- Rate of blood lactate removal
- Trained status of working muscles