Fitness and training Flashcards
Ability to meet the demands of your environment
Physical related components of fitness
- strength
- speed
- body composition
- muscular endurance
- cardiovascular endurance
- flexibility
Skill related components of fitness
- agility
- coordination
- power
- balance
- reaction time
Purpose of fitness training
- identify strengths/weaknesses
- talent identification
- can measure state of health
- evaluate training/monitor
- progress and improvement
Categories of tests
- field
- laboratory
- maximal
- sub-maximal
It’s what your measuring is what you want to measure
How trustworthy something is
Determinants of sports performance
- maximal aerobic fitness
- exercise economy
- anaerobic capacity
- anaerobic power
- maximum speed
- sub-maximal aerobic fitness
Submaximal aerobic fitness
- ability to maintain a percentage of v02 max for a prolonged period of time
Maximal aerobic fitness
The maximum amount of 02 the body can use per minute
Exercise economy
Energy required to maintain a constant velocity of movement
Anaerobic capacity
Amount of energy obtained from anaerobic sources in a single bout of exercise
Anaerobic power
- this is the fastest rate at which energy can be produced anaerobically during an activity
Maximum speed
- time taken to move a body part through a movement over a pre-determined distance or speed
Training principles
- specificity
- individual differences
- progressive overload
- reversibility
- variance
- over-training
Training the areas of fitness used in your sport and replicating the movements used in your sport
Individual differences
- training needs to be specific to the individual and also the sport
Progressive overload
- applying physical stress to the body
Applying it
F- frequency
I- intensity
T- time
T- type
- process of losing fitness soon after stopping regular training or exercise
- ## seeks to prevent tedium
- needs rest and recovery
Training options
- continuous
- fartlek training
- interval
Karvonean system
(% HRR) + RHR
Low fitness level- 50-60%
Avaeage fitness level- 60-70%
High fitness level (70-85%)
Ability of a muscle to exert force
A muscle will only strengthen when forced to operate beyond its customerly intensity
Types of strength
Explosive strength
Dynamic strength
Static strength
Borg scale
Tool for measuring an individuals effort and exertion breathlessness and fatigue during physical work
Rates exertion from a scale of 6 (no exertion) to 20 maximum effort
Advanatges of Borg scale
- cheap
- helps you to know when to increase/ decrease intensity based on your goals
Disadvantages of Borg scale
- subjective
- lack of precision
Types of stretches
- muscle is stretched to it’s ,imit
- Isometric contraction takes place stimulating the Golgi tendon organ
- this deactivates the stretch reflex
Identifies the larger long term objective of the training 12 months usually
Identifies the shorter period to achieve short term goals 4-8 weeks
Micro cycle
Identifies the individual training regime 7 day period
Benefits of periodisation
Prepare an athlete for optimal improvement
To prepare an athlete for a definite climax to the season
Linear periodisation
Various major training stimuli are segregated from eachother
Non linear periodisation
Attempts to address all of the shortcoming by mixing together the various major training stimuli