Respi Flashcards
O2 affecting affinity of CO2/H to hgb
Haldane effect
Cl HCO3 exchange in RBC
Chloride shift- band 3 protein
CO2/H affecting of O2 to Hgb
Bohr effect
Decreases respiratory rate by prolonging expiratory time
Hering breuer reflex
Receptors stimulated by pulmonary capillary engorgement, causes rapid shallow breathing and responsible for the feeling of dyspnea
J receptors
Pneumocytes responsible for surfactant production
Type II
Play a role in epithelial regeneration after injury by secreting protective GAGs
Clara cells/ club cells
Normal FEV1/FVC
Due to loss of elastic fiber
Due to stiffening of lung tissue
Apneustic and pneumotaxic centers
Location of central chemoreceptors
Ventral medulla
Glomus cells
Peripheral chemoreceptors
Peripheral chemoreceptors respond to PaO2 of
Reflex that decreases respiratory rate by prolonging expiratory time
Hering Breuer reflex