resp extra Flashcards
epithelium of airways
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells
Which centre is responsible for deepening and prolonging breathing?
effect of obstruction on FEV/FVC
visceral pleura innervation
what does the parietal and visceral pleura sense
parietal = pain and temp
visceral = stretch
what innervates parietal nerves
intercostal nerves
diff between chronic and acute type 2 resp failure
high bicarb in chronic
effect of ageing on the respiratory system?
Decreased FEV/FVC
Delayed response to hypercapnia/hypoxia
Decreased immune function
Loss of elastic recoil
o move material from the vocal cords to the pharynx
main mechanism of exhalation
elastic recoil
function of normal colon
water absorption
volume of dead space in lungs
cartilage of epiglottis
cartilage of artenoid, cricoid, thyroid, trachea
what cartilage can only be seen from posterior larynx
in hilum of lung what is relation of right pulmonary artery to right main bronchus
inferior extent of lung in mid clavicular line, mid axillary and posteriorly
inferior extent of parietal pleura in mid clavicular line, mid axillary and posteriorly
innervation of infrahyoid muscles except thyrohyoid
C1-C3 spinal nerves
causes of type 2 resp failure
kyphoscoliosis /
ankylosing spondylitis, obesity, muscular dystrophy, motor
neurone disease / Guillain Barre, COPD or loss of respiratory
drive (opioids)
in a pt with COPD what does ventillatory drive depend on
which infrahyoid muscles lie deep to sternohyoid in anterior triangle of neck
sternothyroid, thyrohyoid
what do peripheral chemoreceptors detect
paO2 from Cn9
apneustic centre function
control intensity of inspiration
what is daltons law
Sum of the partial pressure of gasses = the total partial pressure , composition of inspired air, fractions don’t change, pressures do.
what nerve innervates pericardium
phrenic C3-C5
function residual capacity
Volume of air remaining in the lungs after a normal, passive exhalation.
airway restriction from fvc
dead space
Volume of air that reaches the alveoli though does not partake in gas exchange.
What connects adjacent alveoli that allows movement of macrophages
pores of kohn
whose law is The amount of dissolved gas in a liquid is
proportional to its partial pressure above the liquid
henry’s law
If you examine a child who has aspirated a peanut with a bronchoscope, you would
probably find it lodged in the secondary bronchus of which of the following?
right lower lobe
Give 2 examples of non-immune host defence mechanisms
Mucocillary clearance, coughing, sneezing, commensal bacterial population
causes of type 1 resp failure
Pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, COPD (can be type 1 and 2), pulmonary
fibrosis, shunting
Which type of lung cancer is associated with asbestos exposure?
what wbc release histamine
Ohm’s law?
Pressure = cardiac output x resistance
At what
vertebral level does the trachea bifurcate into left and right main bronchi?
laplace law eq
type 2 hypersensitivity
Antigen - Antibody complex formation
Name the only intrinsic laryngeal muscle not innervated by recurrent laryngeal
pathway of pulmonary arteries
Right Pulmonary Artery: Passes horizontally across the mediastinum and enters the right lung.
Left Pulmonary Artery: Passes laterally and slightly upward, entering the left lung.
blood supply of lung tissues
Right Lung: Usually supplied by a single bronchial artery, which can arise from the right intercostal artery or directly from the aorta.
Left Lung: Typically supplied by two bronchial arteries, arising directly from the thoracic aorta.
What is the innervation of all infrahyoid muscles except thyrohyoid?
C1-C3 spinal nerves through the ansa cervicalis
Which of the following complications does usually arise from thyroidectomy
Iatrogenic hypothyroidism
B) Hypoparathyroidism
C) Hypocalcemia
D) Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy causing hoarse voice