resource security Flashcards
what is a resource
any aspect of physical environment that can be used by humans for a good quality of life. eg. water food, material fossil fuels.
usually of value; exploited for economic gain
global issues with resources
a country;
-secure physical access to what they need
trade links to resources
reliable supply of resources for a population
stock resources
non renewable and exhaustible
flow resources
renewable and can be consumed in any given period of time without endangering future consumption
critical flow
human demand is greater than capacity
non critical flow
everlasting resources such as tide waves running water wind and solar power.
measured reserve
size of the reserve has been measured and is known accurately.
indicated reserve
size of the reserve has been partly measured and the measurements have been used ti estimate the actual extent
hypothetical reserves
reasonable to expect
possible reserve
resources that are thought to exist based on knowledge of geology
inferred reserve
they are resources that have been idenitified from limited sampling of geology
frontier resource
a newly colonise region where resources have been discovered and are brought into production for the first time
Friedmans core periphery development model
patterns are based around a core region of the country where most investment Is found.
the periphery remains underdeveloped as many people move to core for work.
the area may still be poorly developed but rapid investment will impove infrastructure and quality of life.
artic ocean as a resource frontier
reserve for oil and gas