resiratory diseases and condition Flashcards
what are respiratory disease and conditions caused by?
bacterial or viral infections, genetic mutations, environmental factor
what does the upper respiratory tracks diseases involve?
nasal cavities
or larynx
what is tonsillitis and symptoms
Tonsillitis is a bacterial or viral infection of tonsils
where are the tonsils located and what do they look like?
they are two oval-shaped organs located in the pharynx
what do the tonsils protect us from
They prevent bacteria and other harmful substances from entering the respiratory system
what is it called when u remove ur tonsils
what is Laryngitis and its cause
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx
- Caused by an infection, allergy, overstraining voice
What is laryngitis symptoms and how does it go away
symptoms:hoarseness or losing the voice because vocal cords wont vibrate
Usually clears up on its own
Persistent hoarseness is a sign of cancer
what is Pneumonia
a disease that causes inflammation and fluid build up in lungs
what is pneumonia caused by
and symptoms
caused by a viral infection or a bacterial infection
Normal gas exchange is disrupted and
body is deprived of oxygen
what are the two types of pneumonia
lobular pneumonia
Bronchial pneumonia
what is Lobular pneumonia
Lobular pneumonia
- Only one lobe of the lungs is infected
- Usually caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria
what is Bronchial pneumonia
both lungs have infections around the bronchi or bronchioles
when does Bronchitis occur
Bronchitis occurs when the bronchi becomes inflamed and filled with mucus
what is acute bronchitis caused by and how is it treated
- caused by bacterial infection
- treated with antibiotics