RESEARCH: TEST 1 Flashcards
The SYSTEMATIC USE OF DATA to monitor the OUTCOMES OF CARE processes as well as the use of improvement methods to design and test changes in prated, the aim of which is to CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVE THE QUALITY AND SAFETY of health care systems.
Quality Improvement
Criteria for Assessing Evidence
Quality, Quantity, and Consistency
the extent to which a study’s design, implementation, and analysis minimizes biases
the number of studies that have evaluated the research question, including overall sample size across studies, as well as the strength of the findings from data analyses
the degree to which other studies, with similar or different designs, investigating the same research question report similar findings
Quantitative or Qualitative: Living with terminal cancer: the experience of hospice patients
Quantitative or Qualitative: Level of cancer pain, symptoms, and functional status in terminal patients cared for in a hospice
Independent Variable
the cause or the phenomenon that has an effect on the dependent variable
Dependent Variable
Not manipulated but observed
Considered to be the outcome of interest
X or Y: The IV is often manipulated
X - Independent
X or Y: Varies depending on the IV
Y - Dependent
Type of Research Question: Is there a relationship between class size and student achievement of course objectives?
Type of Research Question: Is there a difference in GPA between students that attend all classes and those that attend 75% of classes?
Do students who participate in a self-efficacy intervention achieve higher grades than students that receive usual instruction?
What are the initial feelings of students that learn they have passed the NCLEX exam?
3 types of Quantitative Research Questions
Quantitative or Qualitative: What is it like to live with a specific IV?
Types of Hypotheses
Directional, Non-directional, Null (statistical hypothesis)
Type of Hypothesis: specifies the relationship between the IV and the DV, often the most common.
Look for words like - more than, greater than, fewer
Type of Hypothesis: the direction is not stated
Type of Hypothesis: states that there is no relationship between the IV and the DV
Null (statistical hypothesis)
Type of Hypothesis: There are significant differences in self-reported cancer pain between men and women.
Type of Hypothesis: Nurses with high social support from coworkers will have lower job stress
Type of Hypothesis: There is no difference in the latency of a 24 IV lock when flushed with heparinized saline vs normal saline
Null (statistical hypothesis)
Are hypothesis ever proven?
What is critical to building evidence?
Replication of Research
PICO questions are a type of research question that focuses on ______
Clinical Questions
T or F: Hypotheses can be supported or rejected based on a study
Larger Sample
Based on research questions or hypothesis
Collect data with formal instruments under specific procedures
Statistical Analysis
Quantitative Research
Inductive Fluid, Flexible Smaller Sample Approach the research without preconceived ideas "explorative" Open ended observations or interviewing Analysis of narrative findings
Internal Validity
The degree to which the IV or the experiment resulted in the outcome of DV rather than an uncontrolled or confounding effect
External Validity
The degree to which the findings of a study can be generalized to other groups
A sample that is too small is more prone to a (Type I or Type II) error
Type II
“under powered”
The ability of a study to detect a difference that really exists
Power analysis
(Probability or Non-probability) Everyone does not have an equal chance and the results have more limited generalizability
(Probability or Non-probability) Everyone in the population has an equal and independent chance of being selected.
Chosen by random selection (different from random assignment)
Most common type of sample in non-experimental research
Most likely to contain bias
You choose who is available or willing (volunteers)
Some convenience samples are better than others
(Purposive or Quota)
Specific targets to be met
Often set based on the % in the population
Common quotas
related to gender, ethnicity, age
(Purposive or Quota)
Based on specific criteria
Best when studying a relatively rare phenomenon and the sample is fairly homogenous
(Simple or Stratified Random Sample)
The researcher determines the population, lists all of the eligible subjects (SAMPLING FRAME), and selects a sample (subset)
Use a random number table or a computer generated table to choose the sample
Often is difficult to get a list of all units in a population
Simple Random Sampling
SRS done within groups
Stratified by gender, race, religion, SES, Education level
Stratified Random Sample
Cluster (Multistage) Sampling or Systematic Sample:
Randomly select units then randomly select patients
*often used when there is the potential of communication b/w groups or “contamination” of the intervention
Probability Sampling II - Cluster Sampling (Multistage)
Cluster (Multistage) Sampling or Systematic Sample:
Select every K participant from a random list
Systematic Sample
(Probability or Non-Probability) Convenience Quota Purposive Systematic Snowball Matching
(Probability or Non-Probability) Simple Random Sampling Stratified Random Sampling Cluster Sampling (Multistage) Systematic Sample
3 Major Types of Reliability
Internal Consistency/Homogeniety
3 Types of Validity
(Content, Criterion, or Construct)
Begin by defining the dimensions of the concept
Usually assessed by:
a panel of experts
might calculated the content valid index (should be above .78)
A simpler less precise measure is referred to as face validity
(Content, Criterion, or Construct)
Use of an external comparison (gold standard) that is known to measure the concept
i.e. using body calipers to measure % fat vs new measure
i.e. using the hamilton depression rating scale vs new instrument
Often used when existing measure is expensive or inconvenient
(Content, Criterion, or Construct)
Does the instrument measure all components of the concept or theoretical construct?
Often evaluated with factor analysis
4 Focus Areas of the NINR
Symptom Science
Wellness Promoting
End-of-Life and Palliative
Intramural Divison of NINR
Summer Genetics Workshop
Extramural Divison of NINR
Individual Research Awards
What did Dr.Cindy Munro’s research focus on?
Relationship between oral health and the prevention of systemic disease
What did Dr.Annette Wysocki’s research focus on?
Wound Healing
Type of Causality: Simple, Mediated, or Moderate
Rare except in biology
Simple Causality
Type of Causality: Simple, Mediated, or Moderate
Type of Causality: Simple, Mediated, or Moderate
Causality varies by a factor
Type of Causality: The supportive intervention improved performance by reducing the anxiety of students taking a final exam.
Type of Causality:
Anxiety in students taking a final exam is predicted by a model that includes the number of hours the student studied, the number of hours slept in the previous night, and whether the student was interested in the subject covered by the exam
Type of Causality:
We found that the anxiety reducing intervention worked for men in the study but not for women.
How do we establish causality with research?
Specificity Temporal Order Biological Plausibility Consistency Strength of the Association
Temporal Order
The cause precedes the effect
Needs longitudinal approach