3340: PEDS: INFANT/TODDLER Flashcards
Protective Reflexes
Do not outgrow
Sucks on anything placed in mouth
Well-coordinated by 32-34 weeks
Disappears by 1 year
Lightly Stroke Cheek, Infant turns towards stimuli, then opens mouth
Rooting Reflex
Disappears @ 3-4mo
Occurs when infant’s palm is touched near base of fingers. Hand closes in tight fist.
Palmar Grasp Reflex
Disappears by 3-4mo
Infant’s tendency to curl toes downward over finger when sole of foot is touched
Plantar Grasp Reflex
Disappears by 8mo
“Fencer’s Position”
Posture assumed by infant in a supine position when head is turned to one side
The extremities on the same side extend
Flexion occurs on the opposite side
Tonic Neck Reflex
Disappears by 3-4mo
In response to sudden movement or loud noise
Arms and legs extend and fingers fan outward
Thumb and forefinger form a C-Shape
Moro/Startle Reflex
Disappears by 6mo
What is the most significant reflex?
Newborns when held upright tend to take steps in response to feet touching a hard surface
Lift one foot and then the other
Stepping (Walking) Reflex
Disappears by 3-4 weeks
Baby’s toes fan with dorsiflexion of big toe
Babinski Reflex
Disappears by 1 year