Research methods- Variables Flashcards
What is an independant Variable?
The independent variable is the variable that we are manipulating or changing.
What is a dependent variable?
The variable that we are measuring in the experiment.
What is an operationalising variable?
A definition of the independent variable where by someone else can clearly see how you have conducted your study and could even replicate your results to verify your result.
What is an extraneous variable?
Other variable that may effect your Dependant variable.
What is a demand characteristic?
This is when participants may guess what The investigation is about and know what is expected of them.
What is investigator effects?
When the investigator unconsciously influences the results of the research.
What is the double blind technique?
Where both the experimenter and the participant both don’r know which is the placebo and which is the drug.
What is randomisation?
This is when participants are picked randomly to stop bias.
What is Standardisation?
When everyone is given the exact same instructions, everything for each group is the same
What is a confounding variable?
An extraneous variable that has effected the result.
What is the control group?
The group where people are exposed to anything that is being experimented.
What is the experimental group?
The experimental group receives the variable being tested.