⭐ • Research Methods: Standard Deviation Flashcards
What is the standard deviation?
How far scores deviate/ are spread out from from the mean
What is the advantage to a standard deviation?
It’s a precise measure of the dispursion of data as all the exact values are taken into account when calculating
What is the disadvantage to a standard deviation?
It may hide some of the characteristics of the data set e.g. extreme values (anomalies) cannot be immediately sensed from data
Why is small standard deviation desirable?
- A small standard deviation is desirable as it infers that all the results were close to the average, meanining there are little to no anomalous results (ones further away from mean)
- In medical sense, small SD means that drug’s effect works as intended with a loq percentage of unexpected side effects (anomalies)
Under what ‘group’ does standard deviation come under in Quantitative data analysis?
Measures of Dispersion
Complete this labelled diagram of the formula for standard deivation
When squaring x - x̄ what do you do if the answer is a negative number and why?
- If the answer is negative then you can simply ignore it/ remove the negative as when squared negative numbers become positive
- In the sense of the actual formula, when it comes to adding up all the answers to x - x̄ due to ∑ (the formula requiring to sum them) it doesnt give the correct answer, all in that column should be positive as they have all been squared
Why is it best to write all your workings out and what is the best way to lay out workings?
- You will get marks for your clear method of workings out if your final answer is wrong
- It is best to complete formula one step at a time, logically, subbing in the numbers as you go along to be clear to yourself as you work out standard deviation and to be clear for examiner
Why is it important to read the question carefully?
As some questions may ask for your final answer to 1 d.p. or 2 d.p.
What is the best way to set up answering a standard deviation question?
To draw a table next to raw scores with two columns, one for the answer to x - x̄ and one for that answer squared so its then easy to total the final scores (e.g. as shown in image)