research methods evaluations Flashcards
What is the evaluation of random sampling?
One strength is there is no bias as everyone has an equal chance of selection
One weakness is that it takes time as you need the list of all members of the target population
What is the evaluation of opportunity sampling?
One strength is that its quick and cheap because participants are just there
One weakness is that it only represents the population from which it was drawn
What is the evaluation of systematic sampling?
One strength is that it avoids researcher bias
One weakenss is that it may end up with an unrepresentive sample.
What is the evaluation of stratified sampling?
One strength is that it is the most representative method
One weakness is that its very time consuming to sort sub-groups.
What are the strengths of questionnaires?
One strength is that you can gather information from many people
Another strengh is that it is easy to analyse as often closed questions are used
What are the wekanesses of questionnaires?
One weakness is that there can be social derisability bias
Another weakness is that questions may be leading, so lack validity
What are the strengths of labrataory experiment?
One strength is that EVs can be controlled so cause and effect established
Another strength is the use of standardised procedures permits replication, caan demonstrate validity
What are the weaknesses of labratory experiments?
One weakness is behaviour in a lab is less normal, so its difficult to genaralise.
A further ewakness is that participants may change their behaviour because they are aware that they are being watched.
What are the strengths of a field experiment?
One sterngth is that they are more realistic than lab experiments as its more natural setting.
Another strength is that they can use standardised procedures so there is some control.
What are the weaknessess of field experiments?
One weakenss is that you may lose control of EVs so difficult to show cause and effect
Another weakness is that ethical issues because participants are not aware of study
What are the strengths of a natural experiment?
One strength is that they may be high valdity because real-world variables
A further strength is that you can standardise procedures so some control over EVs
What are the weaknesses of natural experiments?
One weakness is that there are few opportunites to do this kind of research as behavours may be rarer
Another weakness is that there may be EVs because participants are not randomly allocated to conditions.
What are the strengths of independant groups?
One strength is that order effects are not a problem because participants only do the experiment once.
What are the weakness of independant groups
One weakness is that different participants in each group.
Another weaknesss is that participant variable can act as EVs.