Research methods (Aims & hypoth, experimental method &design, sampling) JK Flashcards
What is an aim?
Stating the specific purpose of their research in a clear and precise way
What is a hypothesis?
A prediction of what the researchers will find
What do you need to write an experimental/ alternative hypothesis?
1) Predicting a difference or an effect
2) Predicting a relationship/ correlation
What is a conceptual variable?
A theoretical concept or construct e.g. happiness, anxiety, capacity of STM
What is an operationalised variable?
Clear definition of what we will take as a measurement of the conceptual variable so it can be measured more concretely e.g. number of digits correctly recalled
What is the independent variable?
The variable that the researcher manipulates- the conditions the participants are assigned to
What is the dependent variable?
The variable that is measured
What should the IV & DV be?
What is a directional hypothesis?
A hypothesis that predicts the specific direction of results
What is a non-directional hypothesis?
A hypothesis where you just predict a difference, or that one variable will affect another
What is a null hypothesis?
A hypothesis that states there is no significant relationship
What is an experimental method?
Consists of the manipulation of variables to establish cause and effect relationships
What are 2 conditions in a basic experiment?
1) Experimental (treatment) group that receive particular treatment that the researchers intends to study
2) Control group that don’t receive particular treatment
For an experiment to occur what are three criteria points?
1) An independent variable
2) Random allocation
3) Control
What is a laboratory experiment?
A highly controlled environment where the IV is deliberately manipulated- conducted within an artificial environment
What is/isn’t in a laboratory experiment?
1) Researchers manipulates IV
2) Random allocation of groups
3) Control over variables
What are 3 strengths of laboratory experiments?
1) High internal validity- Highly controlled environment
2) Replicability- High control
3) Casual effects- Cause & effect due to high control
What are 3 weaknesses of laboratory experiments?
1) Ecological validity- Artificial environment
2) Demand characteristics- Participants are aware they’re being researched
3) Deception (ethical issue)- Not aware of aim of studies
What is an extraneous variable?
A variable that isn’t being investigated, that may affect the outcomes of the study
What are demand characteristics?
Behaving differently to suit the experiment (not natural behaviour)
What is ecological validity?
A measure of how test performance predicts behaviours in real world settings
What is a field experiment?
An experiment conducted in a natural (ordinary) environment
What is/isn’t in a field experiment?
1) Researcher manipulates IV
2) Less control over variables
What are 3 strengths of a field experiment?
1) Less demand characteristics- more natural as participants dont know they’re being researched
2) Less artificial- higher ecological validity
3) Casual relationships- cause & effect