Research Methods Flashcards
Lab experiment
Conducted in a very controlled environment.
Quasi experiment
Experimenter does not manipulate the IV. The IV is naturally occurring. This may be in a lab or field.
Field experiment
Carried out in someone’s natural environment/ everyday surroundings.
Advantages of a lab experiment
- highly controlled with reduced EVs
- replicable
- more objective
- see cause and effect
Disadvantages of a lab experiment
- low in ecological validity
- may cause demand characteristics
Advantages of a quasi experiment
- allows for research where the IV can’t be manipulated
- high in ecological validity, looking as ‘real’ problems
Disadvantages of a quasi experiment
- no control of IV
- less control of EVs (low validity)
- participants are aware they are studied (low validity)
Advantages of a field experiment
- high in ecological validity
- natural behaviour
- avoids demand characteristics and research bias/effects (high validity)
Disadvantages of a field experiment
- less control of EVs
- more time consuming
- ethical issues
Independent measures
Participants allocated to 2+ experimental groups, representing the different levels of the IV.
Advantages of Independent measures
- avoids order effects
- avoids the aim of the experiment being guessed (DM)
Disadvantages of Independent measures
- no control of participant variables
- more participants are needed
Repeated measures
Participants receive both parts of the IV. There may also be a control condition.
Advantages of Repeated measures
- good control of participant variables
- fewer participants needed
Disadvantages of Repeated measures
- order effects (but could be overcome but counterbalancing)
- purpose guessed (DM)
Matched pairs design
Participants receive one side of the IV but are matched with someone from the other groups on certain characteristics. Each group Is given one level of the IV.
Advantages of Matched pairs
- acts as a control for participant variables
- avoids order effects
Disadvantages of Matched pairs
- time consuming to match variables
- may not control all participant variables
Independent variable
The factor directly manipulated by the experimenter to oversee the effect on the variation of the DV. There are at least two levels of the IV.
Dependent variable
Measured by the experimenter to assess the effects on the IV.
Defining the IV and DV in a way that they can be measured.
Confounding (extraneous) variables
Factors other than the IV that may cause a result.
Participant variables
A characteristic of the participants such as age or intelligence which could confound results.
Situational variables
A feature of the environment that may affect performance, such as a distracting noise or time of day.
Opportunity sampling
Selecting people most easily available at the time.
Advantages of opportunity sampling
- easy
- takes less time
Disadvantages of opportunity sampling
-bias as the sample is drawn from small part of the population
Self-selected sampling
Produced by asking for volunteers (in adverts).
Advantages of self-selected sampling
- convenient as it finds willing participants
- lower attrition rate
Disadvantages of self-selected sampling
-volunteer bias as participants will be a certain type of person (have extra time/ motivated)
Random sampling
Every member of a target population has an equal chance of being selected.
Advantages of random sampling
-unbiased as all have an equal chance
Disadvantages of random sampling
- more time consuming and effort as a lot of steps are required to contact people
Snowball sampling
Relies on referrals from initial participants to generate additional participants.
Advantages of snowball sampling
-hard to reach groups are easier to find (addicts)
Disadvantages of snowball sampling
- not a good cross section (representation) of population as it friends of friends
Null hypothesis (H0)
IV has no significant effect on the DV.
Alternative hypothesis (H1)
IV has a significant effect on the DV.
One-tailed hypothesis
Predicts a direction of the difference in the hypothesis. (e.g. will increase likelihood)
Two-tailed hypothesis
Predicts there will be a difference in the hypothesis. (e.g. will have an effect on likelihood)
Structured observation and 1+/1-
System used to restrict and organise the collection of information.
+inter-rater reliability improved as measures can be more consistent
-observers may ‘see’ or ‘hear’ what they expect- research/observer bias
Unstructured observation and 2+/2-
Observer records all relevant behaviour but has no system.
+useful when behaviour is unpredictable
+used in pilot studies
-not relevant or important behaviours recorded
-hard to do and may miss behaviours whilst recording
Covert observation and +/-
Observations made without a participant’s knowledge.
+natural behaviour
-raises ethical issues
Overt observation and +/-
Participant aware they are being observed.
+avoids lack of informed consent
-behaviour altered- observer effect
Naturalistic observation and +/-
Everything left as usual. Environment unstructured but may use structured techniques.
+high ecological validity
+natural behaviour
-little control of variables
CONTROLLED observation and 1+/3-
Some variables are manipulated by the researcher. Environment set up potentially.
+control focuses on particular aspects of behaviour (objective)
- feels unnatural
- lacks ecological validity
- vulnerable to demand characteristics.
Non-participant observation and +/-
Observer is not a participants in the behaviour being observed.
+increased objectivity because of psychological and psychological distance
-may misinterpret behaviour as an outsider which reduces validity
Participant observation and +/-
Observer is participant in the behaviour being observed.
+provides special insight into the behaviour
+monitor and record in closer detail
-objectivity reduced (observer bias)
-difficult to record un-obstructively in part of a group
Open questions and +/-
Invites respondent to provide own answers. Produces qualitative data.
\+rich detail \+not restricted \+increases validity -difficult to draw conclusions -look for trends rather than descriptive statistics
Closed questions and +/-
Fixed number of possible answers. Produces quantitative data.
+easy to analyse
+easy to draw conclusions
-oversimplifies reality
-low validity as can’t express precise feelings
Respondent can record their own answers. Questions predetermined. Leading questions should be avoided.
+/- of questionnaires
+can be repeated quick and easily
+more willing to reveal closer info than in an interview
-less thoughtful response
-bias sample as only certain type of people do them
-limited as predetermined