Research Methods Flashcards
what are the four areas of responsibility (ethics)?
respect, competence, responsibility, integrity
what guidelines are in respect
informed consent
right to withdraw
what does competence mean
the need for psychologists to work within their own capabilities, not giving advice if not qualified to do so, check research with peers
what guidelines are in responsibility
protection of participants
what guidlines are in integrity
what is the order of report writing
abstract introduction method results discussion appendices
what is included in the abstract
its a summary of the research, outling the aim, method, participants, results and conlusions
what is included in the introduction
it considers the area of psychology the study is located and then focuses on previous research which has been carried out in the same area.
It’ll justify current research and identify the aim of the research.
Probably end with the alternative and null hypothesis.
what is included in the method
includes details necessary for someone to be able to carry out exactly the same research in the same conditions. It will include the method (design, sample, materials/apparatus, procedure)
idea is to provide a replicable study
what is included in the results
refers to the raw data and provide verbal summaries and descriptive statistics
what is included in the discussion
focuses on what the study has discovered, relating it to the research in the introduction
evaluation and alternative explanations, suggestions for new ideas or improvements for study
all works citied in the article should be clearly referenced
what is included in the appendices
they are labelled and referred to in the body of the article, these contain materials, maybe calculations, raw data and anything else the reader needs to fully understand and repeat the research
what is induction
the concept that we observe something and provide a theory for this
what is deduction
the logical conclusion based on irrefutable proof.
so if we observe something in psychological research that is absolutely true and there is no other possible explanation, then we would deduce that the conclusion is correct
(testing an existing theory)
strengths and weaknesses of mean
s - takes account of all the data
w - not a suitable measure when there are extreme values/outliners
strengths and weaknesses of median
s - less affected by extreme scores
w - is only concerned with the ‘middle’ number so does not take account of all the scores
strengths and weaknesses of mode
s - easy to calculate and can be used for non-numerical data
w - not so useful if there are multiple modes. Cannot use in stats tests
strengths and weaknesses of range
s - quick and easy to calculate
w - only takes account of highest and lowest scores so data could be skewed
strengths and weaknesses of variance
s - takes account of all of the values
w - is expressed as a squared value rather than the original units
strengths and weaknesses of standard deviation
s - considers all available scores (unlike range)
w - cannot be used with the nominal data can be quite time consuming to calculate
strengths of independent measures design
controls for order effects
less likely to be affected by demand characteristics - only tested once - less time to work out aim of study
weaknesses of independent measures design
requires more participants - more time consuming
risk of participant variables
strengths of repeated measures design
controls for participant variables
less time consuming - requires less participants
weaknesses of repeated measures design
could be affected by order effects - practice, fatigue and boredom (requires counterbalancing)
demand characteristics - more likely to work out the aim of the study if they do it more than once (may then behave accordingly)
strengths of matched participants design
less likely affected by demand characteristics - only tested once
controls for participant variables better than independent measures because they are matched for the important variables to the sudy
weaknesses of matched participants design
would take longer than both independent or repeated
impossible to match ppts on enough variables to ensure there are no paarticipant variables
Nick is cool
nominal - independent - chi square
nick reads books
nominal - repeated - binomial sign test
olly is mad
ordinal - independent - mann-whitney-u test
olly runs wild
ordinal - repeated - wilcoxon
olly can swim
ordinal - correlation - spearmans rho