Research Method-ethical Issues Flashcards
What are the ethical guidelines
⚫informed consent
⚫️avoidance of deception
⚫️right to withdraw
⚫️cost-benefit analysis
What does ethical guidelines mean
⚫️the rules governing the conduct
➡️of researchers in investigations
What is informed consent
⚫️participants should be given enough details of research
➡️that helps them to make a considered decision
➡️whether they wish to participate
➡️additional parental consent is required
➡️for those under the age of 16
Describe the avoidance of deception
⚫️withholding info and misleading participants ➡️should be avoided
➡️a way to deal with unavoidable deception to not reveal hypothesis
➡️presumptive consent:
➡️gaining informed consent from those similar to the actual participants
➡️prior general consent:
➡️gaining consent of participants to be deceived
➡️without them knowing how this will occur
Describe the right to withdraw
⚫participants are informed to leave a study at anytime
➡️including withdrawing their data at the conclusion of the study
Describe briefing/debriefing
⚫️full relevant details should be explained
➡️before and after a study is conducted
➡️helps to deal with deception
⚫️eliminates harm
➡️ensuring participants will leave study
➡️in the same state they entered in
Describe the protection of participants
⚫️participants must be protected from
➡️physical and mental harm
➡️risk of harm
➡️must be no greater than in real life
Describe confidentiality
⚫️data is not shared to others
⚫️used for other purposes
➡️unless agreed in advance
⚫️numbers should be used
➡️instead of names in published research
Describe observations as ethical guidelines
⚫️should only be made in settings
➡️where people would expect to be observed
Describe the cost benefit analysis for ethical issues
⚫️if the benefits of the research
➡️outweighs the negative ethical implications
➡️research may be considered ethically acceptable
What does sampling mean
⚫️selection of participants
➡️to represent a wider population
Describe the 3 sampling methods
⚫️random sampling
➡️every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
❎not all members of the population may be available for selection
⚫️opportunity sampling
➡️selecting those who are willing to take part
❎can be unrepresentative
⚫volunteer sampling ➡️people selecting themselves ➡️often relies on advertisement ✅they're keen ❎unrepresentative ❎demand characteristics
What does demand characteristic mean
⚫️a research effect
➡️where participants form impressions of the aim
➡️and alter their behaviour accordingly
Describe the technique to reduce demand characteristics
⚫️single blind procedure
➡️not allowing participants knowledge
➡️of which condition they’re in
What is investigator effects
⚫️researcher features
➡️that influences participants responses
What are the 3 ways investigators can accidentally influence results
⚫️primary physical characteristics
➡️obvious physical aspects of the investigator
⚫secondary physical characteristics ➡️less obvious physical aspects ➡️gives hints on how to behave ➡️leads to demand characteristics ➡️e.g accent, degree of eye contact
➡️can accidentally be bias in their interpretation of data
What technique can be used to reduce investigator effect
⚫️double blind procedure ➡️neither participant nor investigator ➡️know which condition participants are in ➡️so unconscious clues as how to behave ➡️is not transmitted