Research Evaluation of Intervention Models Flashcards
What is Evidence-Based Practice [EBP]?
- Definition: “Integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values”
- Movement towards evidence-based practice across fields: medicine, mental health, youth violence
What are the benefits of evidence-based practice?
- Helps providers understand what programs “work and under what conditions
- Allows for policy development in communities
- Guides day-to-day clinical work
What are the challenges of evidence-based practice?
- Research base may not fit the needs of a particular client
- Clinician “intuition” versus research evidence
What Is The Stage Model of Intervention Development?
- Stage O: Basic Research
- Stage 1: Intervention Generation
- Stage 2: Efficacy [Research Setting]
- Stage 3: Efficacy [Community]
- Stage 4: Effectiveness
- Stage 5: Implementation and Dissemination
What is Stage O of The Stage Model of Intervention Development?
- Basic Research
- Often occurs prior to intervention development
- Asks questions about the problem:
What is the cause/etiology?
What are the consequences?
What are the mechanisms? - Tries to understand the phenomenon
What is Stage 1 of The Stage Model of Intervention Development?
- Intervention Generation and Development
- Creation of new behavioral intervention
- Generation of new intervention, or
Modification, refinement of existing intervention - Preliminary testing
- Feasibility
- Pilot testing
What is Stage 2 of The Stage Model of Intervention Development?
- Efficacy (Research Setting)
- Experimental testing of promising behavioral intervention in research settings, with research-based providers and patients
- Typically a Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT)
- Very specific exclusionary criteria
- Well-controlled setting, standardized
- Well-trained clinicians, strict adherence to intervention
What is Stage 3 of The Stage Model of Intervention Development?
- Efficacy (Community)
- Experimental testing of promising behavioral intervention in community settings, with community-based providers
- Still maintaining a high level of control to establish internal validity
- “Efficacy-effectiveness”
What is Stage 4 of The Stage Model of Intervention Development?
- Effectiveness
- Examines empirically supported behavioral interventions in community settings, with community-providers
- Maximizing external validity
- Less stringent enrollment criteria
- Less control over setting, clinicians
- Does the intervention work in the real world?
What is Stage 5 of The Stage Model of Intervention Development?
- Implementation and Dissemination
- Examines strategies of implementation and adoption of empirically supported interventions in community settings
- How do we effectively train community providers?
- How do we maintain fidelity to the intervention model?
- How do we ensure sustainability?
What are some Stage Model Considerations?
- Provides common language for researchers and clinicians
- Does not require that researchers follow steps in the order they are described
[you can go from step 2 to step 5 and vice versa]
What are is the mission of The California Evidenced - Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare
- Mission: To advance the effective implementation of evidence-based practices for children and families involved with the child welfare system
- Searchable database of programs
- Rating of research evidence
What is the CEBC Criteria (Level 1)
- Well supported by research evidence (Level 1)
- No case data, legal or empirical basis suggesting harm
- Practice has a book or manual, or other information about its components and administration
- Multiple site replication: At least 2 RCTs, with outcome research reported
- Sustainable effects: At least one year beyond treatment
- Outcome measures must be reliable and valid
- Overall weight of evidence supports the practice
What is the CEBC Criteria (Level 2)
- Supported by research evidence (Level 2)
- No case data, legal or empirical basis suggesting harm
- Practice has a book or manual, or other information about its components and administration
- At least 1 RCT, with outcome research reported
Sustainable effects: At least 6 months beyond treatment - Outcome measures must be reliable and valid
- Overall weight of evidence supports the practice
What is the CEBC Criteria (Level 3)
- Promising research evidence (Level 3)
- No case data, legal or empirical basis suggesting harm
- Practice has a book or manual, or other information about its components and administration
- At least 1 study, with outcome research reported
Sustainable effects: Not needed at this level - Outcome measures must be reliable and valid
- Overall weight of evidence supports the practice
What is the CEBC Criteria (Level 4)
- Fails to demonstrate effect (Level 4)
- Two or more RCTs have found that it does not result in improved outcomes
- Overall weight of evidence does not support it
What is the CEBC Criteria (Level 5)
- Concerning practice (Level 5)
- Overall weight of evidence suggests negative effects
- Case study or legal/empirical data show risk of harm