required supreme court cases Flashcards
Marbury v. Madison
-judicial review—the power of the federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional
McCulloch v. Maryland
-gov has the power to set up a federal bank
-states don’t have the power to tax the federal government
-“the power to tax involves the power to destroy”
Schenck v. United States
-speech creating a “clear and present danger” is not protected under the First Amendment
-sacrifice individual freedoms in order to preserve social order
Brown v. Board of Education
-overruling the “separate but equal” principle set forth in the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case
-violate 14th amendment
Baker v. Carr
-redistricting, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution
- federal courts have the authority to enforce the 14th amendment if the state legislative districts are disproportionately populated
Engel v. Vitale
-ruled that school-sponsored prayer was an unconstitutional violation of the Establishment clause
Gideon v. Wainwright
-state must provide legal counsel to anyone charged with a felony who cannot afford a lawyer.
-6th amendment
-14th, Due Process clause
Tinker v. Des Moines Independence Community School District
-students don’t shed their rights at the school door
-The Tinker ruling confirmed that symbolic speech merits protection under the 1st amendment.
New York Times Co. v. United States
-defended the First Amendment right of free press against prior restraint by the government
Wisconsin v. Yoder
-defended the First Amendment right of free press against prior restraint by the government
-prioritized the civil liberties of individuals over the power of state governments
Roe v. Wade
-woman’s right to an abortion fell within the right to privacy protected by the Fourteenth Amendment
Shaw v. Reno
-using racial reasons for redistricting is unconstitutional
United States v. Lopez (1995)
-Congress had exceeded its authority under the commerce clause of the Constitution
-preserved federalism
McDonald v. Chicago (2010)
the Court ruled that the Second Amendment right to bear arms was applicable to the states
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010)
funding of independent political broadcasts in elections cannot be limited under the First Amendment
14th amendment clauses
due process clause
equal protection
4th amendment
protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government
5th amendment
-miranda rights
-eminent domain
6th amendment
-right to have trial
-right to have lawyer