Chapter 3 vocab Flashcards
`Appropriations bill
When the nation’s budget is set, only Congress can set the appropriations— the actual amount available in a fiscal year—for each program that it has authorized
when a law is passed setting up a government program, Congress must pass an authorization bill that states the maximum amount of money available for it.
Baker c. Carr, 1962
a state’s drawing of electoral boundaries, i.e. redistricting, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution.
Blue Dog Democrats
A caucus that is made up of moderate-to-conservative democrats who prefer more moderate policies on issues such as welfare and the budget.
Conference committee
consist of members from both the House and Senate, but they are formed exclusively to hammer out differences between House and Senate versions of similar bills.
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
advises Congress on the possible economic effects of various spending programs and policies
Congressional Research Service (CRS)
As a politically neutral body, it does not pursue policy recommendations but instead researches facts and provides arguments both for and against proposed policies.
A person who is represented politically by a designated government official or officeholder
Contract with America
Republican plan in the 1994 election, calling for welfare reform, congressional term limits, and a balanced-budget amendment
Easley v. Cromartie, 2001
Drawing boundaries of an electoral district according to voting behavior, even when that appears to correlate with race, does not violate equal protection if there is a lack of alternative ways to draw boundaries in a more racially balanced way.
Franking privilege
The ability of members of Congress to mail letters to their constituents free of charge by substituting their facsimile signature (frank) for postage.
The Freedom Caucus
caucus that doesn’t like powerful gov, against party leadership completely
people who have already held office, with secure seats
unfair proportional distribution of representatives to a legislative body.
Minority/majority districting
a racial or ethnic minority makes up a large-enough share of the electorate to assure that the community has a reasonable chance to elect the candidate of their choice.
Oversight power
provides the legislative branch with an opportunity to inspect, examine, review and check the executive branch and its agencies.
Party whips
Assists each floor leader of the House, and serves as go-betweens for the member and the leadership
Politico view
members of congress vote for people back home
President pro tempore
preside over the Senate in the absence of the vice president
Revenue bills
any bill that increases/decreases the total revenues available for appropriation, including any sales tax exemption bill.
Rules Committee
sets very important rules for debate when the bill is presented to the House after it leaves the committee
Select committees
formed for specific purposes and are usually temporary
Shaw v. Reno, 1993
redistricting based on race must be held to a standard of strict scrutiny under the equal protection clause and on the basis that it violated the fourteenth Amendment because it was drawn solely based on race.
Special prosecutor
a special counsel that’s a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.