Republic Act No. 9288 Flashcards
What is the ground of refusal for mandatory HIV testing?
What is the status of HIV testing according to Republic Act No. 9288?
Not mandatory
What is Republic Act No. 9288?
Newborn Screening Act of 2004
When was Republic Act No. 9288 approved?
April 7, 2004
What is the Newborn Screening Reference Center?
UP-NIH (National Institute of Health)
When should newborn screening be performed?
After 24 hours of life but not later than 3 days from complete delivery.
What is the exception for newborns who need intensive care?
The newborn may be exempted from the 3-day requirement but must be tested by 7 days of age.
What disorders are included in the Newborn Screening Panel?
Congenital hypothyroidism, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Galactosemia, G6PD Deficiency, MSUD, Phenylketonuria
What is the time frame for the newborn screening results to be positive?
(+): within 24 hours
What is the time frame for the newborn screening results to be negative?
(-): within 7 days
What method is used for newborn screening?
Bleed spot collection
What method is used for confirmatory testing of G6PD?
What is Administrative Order No. 2012-0154 about?
Inclusion of MSUD in newborn screening panel of disorders
What is the most common inborn error of metabolism in the Philippines according to Administrative Order No. 2012-0154?
What is Administrative Order No. 0045-2014 about?
Expanded Newborn Screening Program