Ethics and Leadership Flashcards
Respecting the decisions made by those capable of making decisions, including those limited by senility or illness
Patient’s authorization of a medical intervention or involvement in research; involves DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION, UNDERSTANDING, VOLUNTARINESS
Informed consent
Restriction of a person’s autonomy that must be justified with sufficient reason
Doing good or providing benefit
To avoid doing harm, or minimize harm if unavoidable
Ensuring fairness and equity in the distribution of risks and benefits, treating equals equally and recognizing inequalities
Failure to exercise due care or the level of care that a person of ordinary intelligence and good sense would exercise under given circumstances
Type of negligence committed by a professional; implies that a greater standard of care is owed to a person than the ‘reasonable person’ standard associated with negligence
What provides the direction of where one/organization is going?
What must leadership be in order to set clear goals and strategic objectives?
Which leadership style provides physical and personal sources for an individual to accomplish his/her duties?
Which leadership style presents rules, orders, or other defined instructions to the individual?
Which leadership style provides high support and direction?
Which leadership style provides low support and direction?
What is also known as administration and provides the road to get there?
Self-centered, makes decisions without consultation of subordinates, the manager’s way is the best
Autocratic Leadership
Shared authority, employees take part in decision making
Democratic Leadership
Exercise of control on the basis of knowledge, focuses on rules and regulations set by the hierarchy of authority
Bureaucratic Leadership
Free reign, least effective, leaves the decision to staff, abdicates responsibility
Laissez-faire Leadership
Encourages certain behaviours in others by force of personality, persuasion, and eloquent communication
Charismatic Leadership
Uses fears and threats, decision making is done in the upper echelons of the organization
Exploitative-authoritative Management
Master-servant, reward system, flow of information upward is restricted to what superiors want to hear
Benevolent-authoritative Management
Allows employees to have a view and voice out their opinion
Consultative Management
Collaborative teamwork and open communication between manager and subordinates
Participative Management