Republic Act No. 11166 Flashcards
What is Republic Act No. 11166?
Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act
When was Republic Act No. 11166 approved?
December 20, 2018
What act did Republic Act No. 11166 repeal?
Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998
What is the role of the Philippine National AIDS Council?
Ensures the implementation of the country’s response to the HIV and AIDS situation
Who conducts HIV screening?
Social workers
What type of HIV testing is conducted?
Rapid HIV testing
Who is responsible for conducting initial HIV testing?
HIV proficient medical technologists
What is PNAC Resolution No. 1 s. 2019 about?
Voluntary HIV Testing and Compulsory HIV Testing guidelines
What is required for voluntary HIV testing?
Written consent must be secured from the person taking the test or from the parent/guardian if the person is mentally incapacitated or below 15 years of age
Is parental/guardian consent required for individuals aged 15 to below 18 years for voluntary HIV testing?
No, unless the person is pregnant or engaged in high-risk behavior
Who conducts proper counseling for HIV testing?
Social workers, health care providers, or other professionals accredited by DOH or DSWD
What are the groups for compulsory HIV testing?
Persons charged with serious or slight physical injuries, rape, simple seduction, blood and organ donors, and resolution of issues under the Family Code of the Philippines
Who can access HIV test results?
Only the individual who submitted to the test or the parent/guardian when applicable, with exceptions for DOH reportorial requirements, informing other health workers involved in care, and responding to court subpoenas
What does Administrative Order No. 2019-0001 regulate?
Implementation of the rapid HIV diagnostic algorithm (rHIVda) as the new HIV confirmatory test in Certified rHIVda Confirmatory Laboratory (CrCL) facilities
How are reactive HIV specimens from Non-CrCL or CrCL walk-in clients tested?
Using a combination of 3 Rapid Diagnostic Tests
What does a positive HIV result indicate?
HIV Positive – T1+, T2+, T3+
What does a negative HIV result indicate?
HIV Negative – T1- or repeat T1-
What does an inconclusive HIV result indicate?
HIV Inconclusive – T0+, T1 or T1+, T2 or T1+, T2+, T3-
When are HIV test results released?
During post-test counseling sessions