Reptile Diseases Flashcards
Discuss the main characteristics of reptiles.
- scales
- breathe thru lungs
- oviparous
- can grow throughout life & some species can live 100+ years
Discuss the housing and nutritional requirements of reptiles.
- LIGHTING - natural or synthetic
- it’s imperative reptiles get full UV lighting for VitD synthesis + Calcium metabolism
- species-appropriate type and frequency
- pathogenesis
- dx
- sequela
- acute resp dz in snakes
- dx usually postmortem
- tx usually aimed at the 2º bacterial infections (such as bacterial pneumonia by aeromonas, pseudomonas, klebsiella, proteus)
Inclusion Body Disease
- species affected
- pathogenesis
- boid snakes (boa & python constrictors)
- virus causes encephalitis -> flaccid paralysis of entire body
Ulcerative Stomatitis (Mouth Rot)
- etiology
- what bacteria is it associated with?
- clinical signs
- 2º to POOR husbandry/management
- Aeromonas and Pseudomonas -> PERFORM C&S
- reluctance to eat; ulcers, abscesses
What external parasites are reptiles prone to?
Mites & ticks
- wild reptiles
- captive reptiles w/ poor husbandry
How can reptiles be infected with Mycobacteriosis?
Mycobacterium are ubiquitous in the environment & water, so almost anywhere!
reptiles often live near/spend time in water
Pathogenesis of metabolic bone disease
2º to hyperparathyroidis & nutritional osteodystrophy from improper diet and inadequate UV light
- imbalance of Ca:P ration; lack of VitD synthesis
- more common in herbivores & omnivores (higher risk of hypocalc)
Causes scoliosis, kyphosis, shell deformations, lethargy, anorexia, lameness, swollen joints
Pathogenesis of Hypovitaminosis A
dietary insufficiency of vitamin A, most commonly in pet aquatic turtles -> all epithelial cells affected! -> -> Squamous metaplasia
Pathogenesis of Dysecdysis
animal cannot shed skin normally, 2º to poor husbandry (improper humidity level)
- can result in unintentional aggression/striking
What are the two forms of gout?
Gout: uric acid formation in tissues from excessive protein intake or water deprivation
- Visceral: renal tubular damage
- Articular: swollen, painful joints
Describe the main clinical signs of illness in reptiles.
Lethargy, dyspnea, anorexia, lameness, edema/swollen limbs
List the most important zoonotic diseases of reptiles (4)
1. Aeromonas spp.
2. Pseudomonas spp.
3. Salmonella spp.
4. Mycobacterium spp.
Wear gloves, basic hygience, educate clients, advise PcP of contact with reptiles