reptile Flashcards
Blanding’s Turtle
bubble shaped
Brown Snake
it’s brown
really fat
Common Garter Snake
looks like a tire
Eastern Hognose Snake
orange and black
False Map Turtle
spiky back
Five-Lined Skink
it has five lines
Lined Snake
it has lines
Massasauga Rattlesnake
brown with black blobs
Northern Map Turtle
it is small with a spikey shell
Ouachita Map Turtle
it did a project on them i should know
Painted Turtle
its painted
Prairie Skink
looks like a tire
Redbelly Snake
it has a red belly
Ringneck Snake
has a ring neck
Six-Lined Racerunner
it has six lines
Smooth Green Snake
very smooth and very green
Snapping Turtle
just an asshole of a turtle
Timber Rattlesnake
tan with brown blobs
Western Fox Snake
tan with giant black blobs