What is the only accessory sex gland present in dogs?
The prostate gland.
What are the parts of the male reproductive system?
Testes, Epididymis, Ductus deferens, Accessory sex glands, Penis, Scrotum.
What is the function of the seminiferous tubules?
To produce sperm cells.
What are the components of the spermatic cord?
Ductus deferens, Blood vessels, Nerves, Lymphatics.
What hormone do interstitial cells of Leydig secrete?
What are the blood vessels and nerves supplying the testes?
Blood supply: Testicular artery; Nerves: Ileo-inguinal and genitofemoral nerves.
What is the function of the epididymis?
Serves as a long convoluted tube for sperm storage and maturation.
What are the parts of the epididymis?
Head (caput), Body (corpus), Tail (cauda).
What is another name for the Ductus deferens?
Vas Deferens (in humans).
What are the accessory sex glands in mammals?
Ampullae, Vesicular gland, Prostate gland, Bulbo-urethral gland (Cowper’s gland).
What is the function of the scrotum?
Covers and protects the testes; Tunica Dartos contracts in cold conditions.
What passes through the inguinal canal in males?
Spermatic cord, Tunica vaginalis, External Cremaster muscle, External Pudendal artery, Inguinal lymph vessels and nerves.
What is the male organ of copulation?
The penis.
What are the parts of the penis?
Glans (free extremity), Body (main portion), Crura (root).
What is the role of the prepuce?
An invaginated fold of skin surrounding the glans penis, preventing balanitis.