Reproductive Behavior Flashcards
Entrance of penis into vagina
Refractory period
Time after ejaculation before another can occur
Flehmen response
-Lifting of the lip so the nostrils are plugged
-Suction is created in the nasopalatine duct: Fluids can be aspirated
-Volatile substance secreted or released to outside of body
-Perceived by olfactory system and/or vomeronasal organ
Vomeronasal organ
-Accessory olfactory organ
-Connected to 2 small openings in anterior roof of the mouth: Nasopalatine ducts
-Allows examination of less volatile materials
-Movement of seminal fluids from accessory sex glands into pelvic urethra
-Occurs before / during ejaculation
Know the purpose of reproductive behavior.
-Promote the opportunity for copulation
-Increase the probability that the sperm and egg will meet
-Ultimate goal is pregnancy.
Know the general characteristics of female reproductive behavior and some of the signs that females exhibit during estrus.
-Confined to estrus in most species
-Increase in physical activity (locomotion) during estrus
-Lordosis (Mating posture): Extremely PROMINENT in sows and is major sign of estrus in sows
Know the stages of female reproductive behavior and what happens during each stage.
-Attractivity: Serve to attract males
-Proceptivity: Stimulate the male to copulate
-Receptivity: Copulatory behavior of females and ensures insemination
Know the sensory inputs that are involved in reproductive behavior
Know the general characteristics of male reproductive behavior.
-Male is capable of initiating reproductive behavior anytime after puberty
-Male doesn’t initiate courtship
-Male constantly searching for signals from the female: Using most senses
Know the stages of male reproductive behavior.
-Search for partner
-Courtship: Sniffing vulva and flehmen response
-Sexual arousal: Sight may be most important
-Penile protrusion
-Mounting: Immobilization of female and elevation of front legs of male
-Ejaculation: Expulsion of semen into female tract, Emission happens at this time
-Refractory period: Second copulation will not take place
-Memory: Positive and Negative
Know the factors that affect the length of the refractory period.
-Degree of sexual rest
-Degree of female novelty
-Number of previous ejaculations
Know the sensory inputs that are involved in reproductive behavior
Know the process involved in penile erection and protrusion including the structures involved.
-Increased rigidity
-Relaxation of retractor penis muscle
-Engorges Corpus Cavernosum
-Inhibit vasoconstriction
Increased rigidity
-Increased arterial inflow in comparison to venous outflow.
-Contractions of ischiocavernosus muscles: Compression of penile veins
What species have relaxation of retractor penis muscle
-Neural, cerebral and spinal
-Arousal driven: Erotogenic stimuli
-Parasympathetic neurons
~Nitric oxide
~Helical arterioles dilate and corporal sinusoids swell
~Smooth muscle of Corpus Spongiosum (CS) relax
~Sub-tunical Veins compressed
~Ischiocavernosus muscle contracts
Know the process of ejaculation including the structures and muscles involved.
-Deposition of seminal fluid into the urethra
-Oxytocin from the posterior pituitary and stimulation of sympathetic neurons in the glans penis: Releases accessory gland fluid and contracts muscles
-Cauda Epididymis and Vas Deferens
-Stimulation of sensory neurons in glans penis cause coordinated contractions
-Pelvic urethral striated muscles
Know how sildenafil causes the desired effect.
-cGMP is broken down by phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5)
-Sildenafil is an inhibitor of PDE5
-cGMP remains elevated and thereby the erection continues
Know how the brain is defeminized/masculinized during prenatal development.
-Females: Estradiol is present in the fetal body but cannot enter the brain due to alpha-fetoprotein, Little exposure to estradiol results in feminization
-Males: High levels of testosterone in fetus, Alpha-fetoprotein cannot bind to testosterone, Testosterone is converted to estradiol in the brain
Know the role of the CNS and estradiol in reproductive behavior.
-Testosterone converted to estradiol in brain
-Estradiol promotes reproductive behavior: Both male and female, Relatively constant supply allowing male to initiate behavior anytime
-Primary sensory inputs: Olfaction, Vision, Audition, and Tactility