Postpartum Period Flashcards
Know the major events of the postpartum period/puerperium.
-Myometrial contractions and expulsion of Iochia
-Endometrial repair
-Resumption of ovarian function
-Elimination of bacterial contamination of the reproductive tract
Know how the number of postpartum estrous cycles affects pregnancy rate .
-First cycle: 35% pregnancy rate
-Second cycle: 50%
-Third cycle: 73%
-Fourth cycle: 72%
Lactational anestrus/lactational amenorrhea
The suppression of estrus or menstruation during breastfeeding due to high prolactin levels.
Know the factors that control postpartum anestrus
-Uterine involution
Uterine Involution
-Retrograde changes in the female genital organs that result in a return to normal size after delivery
-The process by which the uterus returns to its original state.
Know the approximate time requires for involution to occur in the dairy cow
45-50 days
Know the approximate time requires for involution to occur in the beef cow and ewe
30 days
Know the approximate time requires for involution to occur in the sow
28-30 days
Know the approximate time requires for involution to occur in the mare
21-28 days
Know the classic dogma of how suckling was thought to affect cyclicity.
Suckling blacks hypothalamo-pituitary function, but not ovarian stimulation.
Be able to describe the experiment where cows underwent a procedure for mammary denervation, including the results and what the results proved.
-In cows with the afferent neural pathway severed, acute weaning causes the same effect as in cows with intact afferent pathways
-Cows with mammary denervation can’t feel when the calf is suckling. This did not cause a different result then with cows with intact mammary nerves.
-LH was still suppressed even though the cow could not feel the suckling
-The act of suckling does not affect LH levels
Know the characteristics of foal heat
-Average is 10 days post-foaling with a range of 5-15 days
-Is a fertile, ovulatory heat
-Decreased pregnancy rate
Know the frequency of suckling affects cyclicity
-increase suckling increase cyclicity
-Increasing the number of times a days cow is milked decreases the amount of days after birth that postpartum ovulation will occur
Know how prepartum nutrition affects reproduction
Under nourishing cows prior to calving delays the onset of cycling following calving
Know how postpartum nutrition affects reproduction
under nourishing cows after calving reduces fertility of cows when they do exhibit estrus (and may delay onset of cycling)
Know the postpartum trigger for estrus/ovulation in the sow
-Weaning is the trigger
-prolactin decrease
-LH secretion increases
-FSH secretion continues
-Ovarian follicles develop