Placentation Flashcards
Yolk Sac
-Origin: early endodermal layer
-Function: vestigial
-A membranous sac that provides early nourishment for the developing embryo in some animals
-picks up uterine secretions from endometrium to stimulate early embryonic development
-Origin: cavitation from inner cell mass and results from the folding and fusion of the chorion
-Function: encloses fetus in a fluid filled cavity
-The innermost membrane that encloses the embryo and produces amniotic fluid
-prevents fetus from injury, provides lubrication for parturition, reservoir for urine and waste
-prevents the lungs from collapsing and opens digestive tract
-Origin: Diverticulum of hindgut
-Function: blood vessels connect fetal with placental circulation
-A membrane involved in waste elimination and gas exchange in the developing embryo
-Fuses with chorion (chorio-allantoic placenta), carries blood vessels of placenta, reservoir for nutrients and waste
-Umbilical cord attaches the fetus to the allantois
-Fills with fluid to expand the chorio-allantois against the uterine wall
-Origin: trophoblastic capsule of blastocyst
-Function: encloses embryo and other fetal membranes intimately associated with lining of uterus to form placenta
-One of the fetal membranes that, along with the allantois, forms the fetal part of the placenta
-Attaches to the uterus, absorbs nutrients from the uterus, allows maternal/fetal gas exchange, and produces hormones
The combined fetal membranes (chorion and allantois) responsible for gas exchange and nutrient transfer in some species.
The raised, fleshy structure in the ruminant uterus that forms the material side of the placenta.
-The corresponding structure on the fetal side of the ruminant placenta that interfaces with the caruncle
-The functional unit formed by the attachment of caruncles and cotyledons in ruminant placentas
Know the days of gestation at which the placenta attaches to the uterus for the cow
30-35 days
Know the days of gestation at which the placenta attaches to the uterus for the sow
12-20 days
Know the days of gestation at which the placenta attaches to the uterus for the ewe
18-20 days
Know the days of gestation at which the placenta attaches to the uterus for the mare
50-60 days
Diffuse Placenta
-sow vs mare
-a type of placental organization where there’s no clear distinction between maternal and fetal tissues throughout the entire placenta in some species
-such as pigs and horses.
Zonary placenta
-A type of placenta forming a band-like structure around the fetus
-as seen in carnivores like dogs and cats
Discoid placenta
-A type of placenta with a disc-shaped structure found in primates and rodents
Cotyledonary placenta
-where maternal caruncles and fetal cotyledons form attachment sites
Know the characteristics of fetal nutrition in farm animals.
-Blood gas exchange at chorion- endometrium attachment.
-Placenta highly permeable to water and electrolytes (stored in and exchange between allantoic and amniotic fluids)
-Placenta converts glucose to fructose. Allows storage in allantoic fluid.
-Fetal fat formed from fatty acids transferred across the placenta.
-Fetus makes protein from transferred amino acids.
-Water soluble vitamins cross the placenta easier than fat soluble vitamins
-Minerals are transferred across the placenta.
-In domestic species antibodies to fight disease do not cross the placenta as the newborn will get these antibodies from the first milk (Colostrum)