Quizzes Flashcards
The tunica dartos muscle pushes the testis away from the body for a short period of time while the cremaster muscle pulls the testes closer for an extended period of time. T or F?
Thermoregulation is essential for spermatozoa to develop in the testes. What is the network of blood vessels and artery called that are responsible for decreasing body temperature in the testes?
Pampiniform plexus
What are the two main components that help maintain the blood testis barrier?
-Peritubular Cells
-Tight Junctions between sertoli Cells
What components make up the seminiferous tubule/tubular component of the testes?
-Peritubular cells
-Seminiferous epithelium
-Basement membrane
What accessory sex gland provides the gel fraction with the boar’s ejaculate?
Bulbourethral gland
The retractor muscle is important for extending the penis and is found in the stallion. T or F?
What hormonal analog goes with Follitropin
What hormonal analog goes with Cystorelin and Factrel
What hormonal analog goes with ECP
Hormones pass through gap junctions without entering extracellular fluid
Hormones can be synthesized in neurons and secreted directly into the bloodstream
Hormones diffuse through interstitial fluid
Hormones are transported through the blood
Chemical substances are secreted to the exterior of the body or into the digestive tract
Hormones are produced by a cell and can affect itself
What portion of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is responsible for secreting gonadotrophs?
Pars distalis
What region of the brain surrounds the anterior part of the hypothalamus
Optic chiasm
What region of the brain surrounds the posterior part of the hypothalamus
Mammillary bodies
What region of the brain surrounds the dorsal part of the hypothalamus
What region of the brain surrounds the ventral part of the hypothalamus
sphenoid bone
What is the principle of cell signaling in the correct order
Reception, Transduction, Response
Protein hormones, steroid hormones, and catecholamine are unable to diffuse into the cell. T or F?
What hormone do leydig cells produce when stimulated by LH
Which types of sperm cells are undifferentiated and mitotically divide to generate future mature spermatozoa
-Spermatogonia A
-Spermatogonia B
Pathway of sperm through the male reproductive tract
- Seminiferous tubules
- Rete tubules
- efferent ducts
- head of epididymis
- body of epididymis
- tail of epididymis
- vas deferens
- Urethra
Where structure do sperm not enter?
Seminal vesicles
What are the characteristics of ovulation associated with the mare
-The mare can only ovulate at the ovarian fossa
-The ovarian medulla and cortex are in the same area as the cow but the structure found within them are essentially swapped
What species have a bicornuate uterus?
All granulosa cells have LH receptors. T or F?
Granulosa cells develop into large luteal cells while theca interna cells develop into small luteal cells. Both large and small luteal cells are able to response to LH to generate progesterone. T or F?
PG2Falpha is produced by the uterus in majority of our domestic farm species. T or F?
Females are born with all the oocytes they will ever have. T or F?
In the process of ovarian follicle development, what is the enzyme responsible for converting pregnenolone into androstenedione, a precursor to estradiol production?
17 alpha Hydroxylase
Where is the site of fertilization in the female?
Ampullary-Isthmic Junction
Which phase of the estrous cycle is characterized by the highest levels of progesterone production and the presence of a mature corpus luteum
What is the primary effect of the pre-ovulatory LH (Luteinizing Hormone) surge on the granulosa cells surrounding the oocyte?
It induces granulosa (cumulus oophorous expansion)
-Outermost, single layer of squamous cells
-simply covers surface of reproductive tract.
-Protective in some ways
-Double layer of smooth muscle
-outer longitudinal and inner circular
-provides ability to contract
-transport of secretory products, gametes, early embryos and expulsion of fetus and fetal membranes
-helps deliver fetus
-Houses blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic
-varying thickness depending upon region
-also serves as supportive tissue for the mucosal layer
-secretory layer of epithelium
-each region of the tract lined with a different type of mucosal epithelium
-ex: oviduct has mixture of ciliated and non ciliated columnar epithelium
-ex: posterior vagina lined with stratified squamous epithelium
increase GnRH secretion is required to induce the preovulatory LH surge and thus ovulation (livestock)
-GnRH secretion need not increase
-rather, preovulatory LH surge results from enhanced sensitivity of the pituitary gland to GnRH
What part is not a tubular part of the female reproductive tract?
What combinations of hormones leads to reproductive behaviors and estrus?
-elevated estradiol
-low progesterone
The 9+9+2 arrangement in the sperm tail describes the…
What hormone from the pineal gland is produced and secreted to either increase or decrease GnRH in long and short day breeders?
Vasodilation, inhibit vasoconstriction, relax retractor penis muscle
Contraction of cauda epididymis and vas deferens and release of accessory gland fluid
Contraction of smooth and striated muscle
Erection and penile protrusion
Mounting, intromission, and ejaculation
Dismount, refractory period, and memory
What components make up motor proteins of sperm?
-Radial spokes
-Dynein arms
-Primordial germ cell
-secondary oocyte with 1 polar body
Primary oocyte
-Secondary oocyte with 2 polar bodies
What zone pellucida (ZP) protein is essential for sperm to bind to the oocyte?
What are characteristics of how a healthy spermatozoa would travel in the uterus for fertilization
-Takes 4 to 16 hours to pass through uterus and oviduct in bovine
-Sperm will travel along the walls and folds
The site of fertilization is the Uterotubal Junction. T or F?
Which morphology classification (Scheme) is described by this description?
-primary: Head abnormalities
-Secondary: Tail Abnormalities
Scheme A
Where in the female reproductive tract initiates an immune response?
At what stage of the follicle do we see the initial deposition of zona pellucida glycoproteins as well as cortical granule formation?
What is the composition of boar ejaculation?
Fractionated sperm free, sperm rich, coagulum
Estradiol is responsible for promoting reproductive behavior in females, while testosterone does it in males. T or F?
Behaviors and signals that serve to attract mates
copulatory behavior of females that ensure insemination
behaviors that stimulate the male to copulate