Embryonic Development Flashcards
-Organism after syngamy but before it can be identified
-The early stage of development following fertilization
-Point where the species of the organism is obviously identifiable
-The later stage of development in the womb.
-The developing embryo or fetus.
-Product of conception includes Early embryo and Extraembryonic tissue (Before and after implantation)
-An immature egg with two pronuclei that have not yet combined
-Newly fertilized oocyte when maternal and paternal pronucleus are visible but separate
-Cell after fusion of the pronuclei
-The cell formed by the fusion of the egg and sperm.
-Process of cellular division without growth
-The rapid cell divisions that occur in the early embryo.
-The cells produced by cleavage during early embryonic development.
-Organism after cleavage
-The ability of a cell to give rise to all cell types in the body
-8 and 16-celled embryos
-A solid ball of cells resulting from cleavage
-Stage of embryo that is a ball of more than 16 cells
Know the progression of embryos through development.
-Expanded blastocyst
-Hatching blastocyst
Characteristics and location of Zygote
-One celled: Two polar bodies, ampullary-isthmic junction, 0-2 days
-Two celled: Ampullary-isthmic junction, 1-3 days, Separate Blastomeres for twins
-Four celled: Isthmus, 2-3 days
-Eight celled: Isthmus, 3-5 days
-Sixteen celled: Uterus, 4-5 days
~Mere ONLY: If unfertilized, remains in oviduct
Characteristics and location of Morula
-Morula: >32 cells, Uterus, 5-8 days
-Tight morula: Uncountable, Uterus, 6-7 days, Compacted cells (Makes Blastocyst possible)
Characteristics and location of Blastocyst
-Early blastocyst: Uterus, 7-8 days, Fluid fills the center (Blastocoel),Cells establish polarity (function)
-Blastocyst: Uterus, 7-9 days, Inner cell mass forms Embryo, Trophoblast forms placenta
Characteristics and location of Expanded Blastocyst
-8-10 days
Characteristics and location of Hatching Blastocyst
-9-11 days
-Cell erupts
Know how the blastocoele of the blastocyst is formed.
-Outer cells of the morula pump Na into intracellular space and water follows
-Accumulated fluid flattens outer cells and a cavity is formed
Know the names of the germ layers of the early embryo.
Describe Ectoderm and which organs it will develop into.
-The germ layer that gives rise to the skin and nervous system
-Central nervous system
-Sensory organs
-Mammary glands
-Sweat glands
Describe Mesoderm and which organs it will develop into.
-The germ layer that gives rise to muscles, bones, and connective tissues.
-Circulatory system
-Skeletal system
-Reproductive systems
-Urinary ducts
Describe Enoderm and which organs it will develop into.
-The germ layer that gives rise to internal organs and the digestive tract.
-Digestive system
-Thyroid gland
-Most other glands: Endocrine glands
-Primordial germ cells