Reproduction in Humans Flashcards
Day 1-5 ovary
Development of follicle
Day 1-5 uterus
Shedding of lining
Day 6-14 ovary
Ovulation (Day 14)
Day 6-14 uterus
Re-building of lining
Day 15-28 ovary
Day 15-28 uterus
Brain secretes…
- FSH to stimulate the development of the follicle
- LH to stimulate ovulation
The ovary secretes…
Oestrogen to re-build the uterus lining
The corpus secretes…
Progesterone (inhibits FSH+LH) to maintain the uterus lining
What is the amnion?
A sack which secretes amniotic fluid to protect the fetus against bumps and jolts. It ruptures during childbirth and the fluid is released (this is what occurs when we say the woman’s waters break)
What is the placenta?
A structure which provides the embryo with the nutrition it needs. It also anchors the embryo to the uterus and secretes progesterone to maintain the pregnancy. It allows oxygen and nutrients to diffuse from the mother’s blood to the fetal blood. It also allows the diffusion of carbon dioxide and other waste products from the fetal blood to the mother’s blood. The transfer of substances occurs between blood in maternal sinuses and chorionic villi which implant into the uterus wall and receive deoxygenated blood from the embryonic arteries and transfer substances in oxygenated blood back to the embryo through embryonic veins.
Development of secondary sexual characteristics in boys:
- Sperm production starts
- Growth and development of male sexual organs
- Growth of armpit, pubis, chest and facial hair
- Increase in body mass; growth of muscles
- Voice breaks
- Sexual “drive” develops
Development of secondary sexual characteristics in females:
- The menstrual cycle begins
- Growth and development of female sexual organs
- Growth of armpit and pubic hair
- Increase in body mass; development of “rounded” hips
- Voice deepens without sudden “breaking”
- Sexual “drive” develops
- Breasts develop